EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
small business grants, the ACA, and his two liberal picks for SCOTUS.
business grant does not apply to all constituents only business owners..scotus does not directly affect you..it's indirect.

so this brings us to the ACA..which policy do you have?


Well-Known Member
If I was unemployed in my state (did not accept medicaid), I could get a bronze plan for 150 dollars a month with a deductable of 3000-4000 dollars. No income, you must pay 150 a month, and you can't afford to see a doctor.

This is absurd.
Then vote for Bernie!


Well-Known Member
I already did, and I'm not even a huge Bernie supporter. I like him better than Hillary so he got my vote.
Same here. I believe he is not only the best choice for our next president, but he's the ONLY one who has addressed the issues most important to this voter.

He may not be completely solid on how to get from here to their implementation of some of his plans but I'd expect that, given that he has imperfect access to all the needed data. If he were dead certain NOW, I wouldn't trust him. That is, in fact, why I don't like, trust or respect any of the Republican contenders.


Well-Known Member
Same here. I believe he is not only the best choice for our next president, but he's the ONLY one who has addressed the issues most important to this voter.

He may not be completely solid on how to get from here to their implementation of some of his plans but I'd expect that, given that he has imperfect access to all the needed data. If he were dead certain NOW, I wouldn't trust him. That is, in fact, why I don't like, trust or respect any of the Republican contenders.
He certainly called a play by play with the supposed panama free trade deal back in 2011. A deal that Clinton supported. Everyone now knows what Bernie was trying to tell us back in 2011. Free trade witb a piss ant country with a piss poor economy? No that was a ruse. Real reason? In Panama its ideal to hide taxable income. BIG INCOME. And to launder it too. Sanders seems to have a knack for predicting the future on quite a few issues. This being the latest.


Well-Known Member
He certainly called a play by play with the supposed panama free trade deal back in 2011. A deal that Clinton supported. Everyone now knows what Bernie was trying to tell us back in 2011. Free trade witb a piss ant country with a piss poor economy? No that was a ruse. Real reason? In Panama its ideal to hide taxable income. BIG INCOME. And to launder it too. Sanders seems to have a knack for predicting the future on quite a few issues. This being the latest.
That's a pretty clear distinction between him and Shillary. One I'll vote on.
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Well-Known Member
Btw...for you Fox news robots.....the parent company and its 100 something subsidiaries has assests of more than twice the size of Pamanas economy. Yes media corporations are a huge business. They like to hide and launder money too. Thats why the Panama free trade deal was "reported" on in a good light if it was reported on at all. Everybody with big money and power knew about this deal and what it really meant. Sanders....only one in Washington who topd the truth.


Well-Known Member
business grant does not apply to all constituents only business owners..scotus does not directly affect you..it's indirect.

so this brings us to the ACA..which policy do you have?
Did you really just say SCOTUS does not directly affect a United States citizens ? If you believe that you should never be allowed to cast a vote on your own. How the SCOTUS leans determines a lot on ones life in America DIRECTLY.
So now you hating Obama ? Are you insinuating that he has done nothing ?


Well-Known Member
If Bernie doesnt get the nomination and enough of his supporters stay home or dont vote Democratic in the general, I dont think it would help the prospects for future progressive primary candidates in the Democratic party.

Bernie ran as a Democrat instead of Independent because he knew that if he was able to succeed in winning the Democratic nomination he would be able to count on Hillarys supporters backing him in the general. He also didnt want to spoil the election for the Democrats as a third party candidate. A quote from him:

" Sanders rejected the idea of running for president as an independent. “No matter what I do, I will not be a spoiler,” Sanders said. “I will not play that role in helping to elect some right-wing Republican as President of the United States.”

If his supporters tank the election and Trump or Cruz win,the media will point to low Democratic primary turnout and low general election Democratic votes and conclude that the under 30 crowd still doesnt vote and the country as a whole has moved right after 8 years of Obama.

Maybe if the same kind of schism happens on the republican side and they split into two groups (moderate/troglodyte) then the independent lane will be more viable in the future if it has candidates from both sides pulling away votes from the larger parties.