My biggest plant let's see yours!


Well-Known Member
lol , That's my wife's hand holding bud for the pic .
Bud is from one of my FLO girls .
I use a 600W HPS . Plants are grown in a 4" Rockwool cube on top of a 6" Rockwool block in a flood and drain system that I built myself . I use GH nutes .
Way to complicated for me. I'm in soil with a single 200w CFL. After I've harvested I'm going to get a 250w HPs for next grow and hope I get a larger yield. Great work on your plant man I'd be happy with a cola half that size.


Well-Known Member
In fact I mite go and cry a bit now since you got at least twice as much on that single cola as I will on my whole plant :'( lol.


Well-Known Member
from my non organic rooms this monster girl was just trained down and cleared out in prep for flower,

30 gallon pot almost 8 feet across and I am trying a new line of Nutes out so we will see how it goes. Her sisters have put off dry ounce buds in the past with technaflora



Well-Known Member
Pineapple express from 5 years ago, yielded just under a half pound, 400 watt with some side light and a 7 gallon pot.

Have only grown one since then.


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Well-Known Member
no offence . the buds are loose . does not mean its a bad thing . it means it will not weigh as much as you think . educated guess its tw0 2 zips dry.
2 oz dry? dude I get that off a 3 foot plant are you kidding me? If my top alone is 100 grams(at least 1 oz dry) and I've got another 50 huge tops how in the hell am I going to get 2oz? You shouldn't post if you don't know what your talking about, I am looking more in the 8-10 oz range dry more then I expected, my other blue dream which was half as dense as this one pulled 5oz dry...