Look Mummy, There's an Aeroplane in the Sky...

First off, your question begs the question of "is there something to pay for?" "is it happening at all?"

Secondly, if we disagree on Flouride, we have a real problem going forward in this.

Flouride is a policy. That policy has a history. There are people who were involved in it from conception through advocacy and adoption. If you really think that good teeth is a wild and crazy explanation for the policy and somehow think that an ongoing mind control experiment is somehow reasonable.... well. I have nothing to say about it. You ought to travel abroad and look at people's teeth.

I never said anything about mind control, that's down right silly!

When you're in my area, come on by, we can discuss this over beers while watching the sky :-) plenty of microbrews around to keep us busy, and conspiracy theories to keep us talking

I get virtually no light pollution where I am, on a clear night sky the stars are quite the sight.
NASA admitted to chemtrails for weather modification...js
Not a secret that we have been fucking with the clouds for a long time. Here is a picture of Donald Duck doing it in the early 50s. Note: the farmer's field was "X" shaped in this case. Donald was good at what he did until he let jealousy cause his downfall.


You can bet your ass that lessening the drought in Cali's central valley is considered of vital importance.
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I never said anything about mind control, that's down right silly!

When you're in my area, come on by, we can discuss this over beers while watching the sky :-) plenty of microbrews around to keep us busy, and conspiracy theories to keep us talking

I get virtually no light pollution where I am, on a clear night sky the stars are quite the sight.
Sorry if I was harsh. I had a lot of pent up opinion left over from my Coast to Coast drive session. On that show, this shit all led to "fallen angels" (actual banished angels from heaven who are now space lizards from the constellation Andromeda (Barack Obama and Boxcar Willy were mentioned) who want to rule us all.

The opposition to Flouride has a very long history too. A history full of Roy Cohns, Joe McCarthys and Robert Welchs. Bad people with even worse ideas - and none of them even showed their tits like Jenny McCarthy did.

Documentary evidence of "Fallen Angels" planning enslavement of human race.
Try education.
Well I don't have any problem with the basic principles you mention.

But I just don't see it. None of the contrail pictures are compelling evidence of anything outside of anecdotal observation. It is pretty easy to find USAAF photos from WWII that show persistent contrails coming from bombers. Are you saying that they were not loaded with actual bombs but were instead spraying everything between Tinian and Tokyo with aluminum and barium?

I watch the sky a lot - mostly at night. I am just one of those people. There are always planes flying overhead. They are controlled by air traffic control and use regular, but variable routes. The routes that they take are pretty well known.

Sometimes the planes leave vapor trails. Sometimes they don't. It is a function of pressure, relative humidity and the specific burn mixture being used by the aircraft. Sometimes they are persistent, sometimes they vanish quickly. Sometimes planes dump thousands of pounds of jet fuel too. All normal shit. There is nothing here that cannot be recreated by a similar non barium and aluminum aircraft. People just have fucking cell phones with cameras now and it seems we are having a hard time with it.

Did you ever think about what it would look like if you use the same corridor for air traffic so that an airplane comes along every three minutes and you have a crosswind? If the conditions are right for contrails, you end up with a pattern that looks like a sown field.

Look, a whole lot of my friends here believe this and I don't feel like getting into a whole thread about it... But to me this is flat-earth plus finshaggy. Sorry, I just have to say it.

recently, I heard some total ass clown venting on Coast To Coast Radio about this shit. I nearly had tears streaming down my face I was laughing so hard. but it made me sad that so many of us are seeing conspiracies in the most normal things. But if chem trails designed to trigger our gubmint mind control drugs induced by vaccinations seems believable, Donald Trump is no fucking surprise at all.

The burden of proof has not near been met in my book.
Nor am I denying that our government has done some very, very fucked up shit. I could list a bucketload. But this stuff discredits legitimate excesses and abuses.

Experiments that were done without the public's knowledge. Anyone talking about it was labeled a conspiracy theorist and mocked. The truth always come out; usually long after the damage has been done. Oh, wait, the truth is out. I posted plenty of "evidence" that they are dropping shit on us as "chemtrails" (the government's own label). Crazy to think anything like this could happen now. They thought the same thing then and it will never change. Government's will ALWAYS be doing covert shit. Power is a MF.

Good, then you will understand when you read up on commercial aviation and the variables involved in the formation of vapor trails.

So the pictures with the chemtrails going in circles and random paths are normal commercial flight patterns? I usually see them in straight lanes, and why wouldn't they use regular flight patterns (even just those in one direction) when they are planes? Probably safest.

Since you are so goddamn smart, why don you take a guess at what it is that they are dropping instead of what it isn;t? You think they are dropping water on us? They are fucking chemicals, it's in the name CHEM trails. Nobody here said anything about "fallen angels" "lizard people" or Boxcar Willy and Elvis uniting to take over the world.

But thanks for shitting on ma thread.

We get them in Portland fairly often. Odd that they start at one end of the city and stop at the other (on/off). If it was simply the right mixture of "science" causing contrails, you would think they would be consistent before and after the city. But what do I know? Apparently I'm just an idiot who got my B.S. degree from finshaggy.
Experiments that were done without the public's knowledge. Anyone talking about it was labeled a conspiracy theorist and mocked. The truth always come out; usually long after the damage has been done. Oh, wait, the truth is out. I posted plenty of "evidence" that they are dropping shit on us as "chemtrails" (the government's own label). Crazy to think anything like this could happen now. They thought the same thing then and it will never change. Government's will ALWAYS be doing covert shit. Power is a MF.

So the pictures with the chemtrails going in circles and random paths are normal commercial flight patterns? I usually see them in straight lanes, and why wouldn't they use regular flight patterns (even just those in one direction) when they are planes? Probably safest.

Since you are so goddamn smart, why don you take a guess at what it is that they are dropping instead of what it isn;t? You think they are dropping water on us? They are fucking chemicals, it's in the name CHEM trails. Nobody here said anything about "fallen angels" "lizard people" or Boxcar Willy and Elvis uniting to take over the world.

But thanks for shitting on ma thread.

We get them in Portland fairly often. Odd that they start at one end of the city and stop at the other (on/off). If it was simply the right mixture of "science" causing contrails, you would think they would be consistent before and after the city. But what do I know? Apparently I'm just an idiot who got my B.S. degree from finshaggy.
Dude, I am not shitting on your thread. I have an opinion. Clayton, I love you. Don't get all thin-skinned.
I knew I shouldn't have gotten involved. No choice.

Did not mean to insult anybody. I am a passionate man. You will know that when next we make love.

Your opinion is that chemtrails are not planes dropping chemicals. Fine. I think we have demonstrated that opinion to be false. Evidence. Isn't that what you require, since seeing it isn;t enough?
Your opinion is that chemtrails are not planes dropping chemicals. Fine. I think we have demonstrated that opinion to be false. Evidence. Isn't that what you require, since seeing it isn;t enough?
I see the pictures, but they mean different things to us.

Shouldn't matter, my idiocy was established before I even posted.
Experiments that were done without the public's knowledge. Anyone talking about it was labeled a conspiracy theorist and mocked. The truth always come out; usually long after the damage has been done. Oh, wait, the truth is out. I posted plenty of "evidence" that they are dropping shit on us as "chemtrails" (the government's own label). Crazy to think anything like this could happen now. They thought the same thing then and it will never change. Government's will ALWAYS be doing covert shit. Power is a MF.

So the pictures with the chemtrails going in circles and random paths are normal commercial flight patterns? I usually see them in straight lanes, and why wouldn't they use regular flight patterns (even just those in one direction) when they are planes? Probably safest.

Since you are so goddamn smart, why don you take a guess at what it is that they are dropping instead of what it isn;t? You think they are dropping water on us? They are fucking chemicals, it's in the name CHEM trails. Nobody here said anything about "fallen angels" "lizard people" or Boxcar Willy and Elvis uniting to take over the world.

But thanks for shitting on ma thread.

We get them in Portland fairly often. Odd that they start at one end of the city and stop at the other (on/off). If it was simply the right mixture of "science" causing contrails, you would think they would be consistent before and after the city. But what do I know? Apparently I'm just an idiot who got my B.S. degree from finshaggy.

that's the thing, i live minutes from a large, international airport, and the sky is chock full of planes on a daily basis.. it's very easy to spot whether a plane is coming in for a landing or just leaving the airport via the route they're taking, direction of travel, etc, if you pay attention it's simple enough to recognize what sort of pattern any said plane is on at a given time being so close to the airport..
the planes that i took the picture of the other day weren't on some simple flight path, flying from point a to point b, but would rather reach one end of the horizon, and turn around, fly a couple hundred or what ever amount of feet either higher or to the east or west of their last path, and then they'd fly the same pattern again, back from one end of the horizon to the other.. the other plane i saw was flying for thousands of feet in a vertical hold.. no passenger plane i ever witness coming out of the airport goes on such a dramatic ascent.
i understand what contrails are.. i watch formula 1 car racing all of the time, and if the air is moist enough and holding enough water, you can watch the contrails coming right off of the back of the wings, only these contrails evaporate back into the air quite quickly and don't continue to follow the car for extended periods of time, leaving huge trails behind them that linger for sometimes hours, unlike what i see coming off of the back of planes all of the time.

i'm not some conspiracy theory nutjob and don't fall for every little thing i read online, but i don't understand how people don't think this shit is real.. like i said earlier, i won't venture out so far as to make a guess as to what they're spraying as i have no clue, but it should be pretty obvious to anyone who lives in an environment where this happens that it's really happening.
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Dam Clayton you brought out all the Old dogs. Except for Beardo. Is he still living in your basement? How is the baby that he fathered from his sister.
that's the thing, i live minutes from a large, international airport, and the sky is chock full of planes on a daily basis.. it's very easy to spot whether a plane is coming in for a landing or just leaving the airport via the route they're taking, direction of travel, etc, if you pay attention it's simple enough to recognize what sort of pattern any said plane is on at a given time being so close to the airport..
the planes that i took the picture of the other day weren't on some simple flight path, flying from point a to point b, but would rather reach one end of the horizon, and turn around, fly a couple hundred or what ever amount of feet either higher or to the east or west of their last path, and then they'd fly the same pattern again, back from one end of the horizon to the other.. the other plane i saw was flying for thousands of feet in a vertical hold.. no passenger plane i ever witness coming out of the airport goes on such a dramatic ascent.
i understand what contrails are.. i watch formula 1 car racing all of the time, and if the air is moist enough and holding enough water, you can watch the contrails coming right off of the back of the wings, only these contrails evaporate back into the air quite quickly and don't continue to follow the car for extended periods of time, leaving huge trails behind them that linger for sometimes hours, unlike what i see coming off of the back of planes all of the time.

i'm not some conspiracy theory nutjob and don't fall for every little thing i read online, but i don't understand how people don't think this shit is real.. like i said earlier, i won't venture out so far as to make a guess as to what they're spraying as i have no clue, but it should be pretty obvious to anyone who lives in an environment where this happens that it's really happening.
That's a decent observation. But what if conditions (pressure, temperature and relative humidity) at 30,000 feet are different than at a car race at ground level? And what if a vapor trail caused by a momentary drop in pressure caused by a speeding car is different than one caused by a shitload of water vapor resulting from combustion of jet fuel? Have you ever seen a Formula 1 race at 30 degrees below zero?

I don't understand how people think it is real when none of it violates any rules of nature in any way. Sometimes vapor trails persist and sometimes they vanish. They can do both too because conditions in the air are not uniform. There are currents and eddys that effect vapor condensation. I have flown a plane and done a decent amount of paragliding. Those currents are there - I promise you.

As far as aircraft flying around in the middle of nowhere... well when you have a crowded traffic corridor and there is some sort of delay in front of you... what would you do? If I were in a car I would slow down and stop if necessary. Airplanes can't do that. Instead they get vectored out into the middle of nowhere and fly lazy and mostly boring patterns. I can't even count the number of times I have been in a holding pattern on an airplane. Have none of you ever felt a plane get buffeted by winds? Has nobody ever been on a plane where a pilot throttled down and then back up?

Does anybody know what commercial pilots or meteorologists think of chemtrails? They might have a decent understanding of such things.

I need to find a new place to hang. srsly
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These are all WWII photographs. All engines emit water vapor and sometimes vapor forms on things that don't emit vapor at all. Are these evidence of simple science or that this rabbit hole goes down deeper than we thought? I honestly don't know how you guys will see it.



Interesting article above about the effects on the English weather on days of massive bombing raids on Germany when there was contrail formation. But this is in no way evidence that it was being done in order to change the weather. Nor is a stupid decision like burning garbage in Afghanistan proof of a high placed government plot. People with non-governmental jobs see people make dumbass decisions every day that endanger peoples' lives.

Water vapor is very well understood. It forms whenever the conditions that cause it to exist occur.

It did not take long in the Dust Bowl days for people to realize they could sometimes cause it to rain by dumping shit in the clouds. HG Wells thought we would control the weather by now but he never envisioned that a conspiracy would be necessary to do it. Yes, pesticides have been sprayed in many areas of the country and many consider the public policy behind it to be severely flawed. But it has been public policy nevertheless. And incidentally, pesticide sprayed from the height in question on these "chemtrails" would be useless.

All of these things are good conversations and don't hang on anecdotal observation and photographs of unusual things that are easily explained. Except the picture in this thread where the plane's engines are shaped like skulls, I cannot explain that but think it might be strong evidence of the existence of Photoshop.

I'm not trying to push the knife any deeper here but there have been several threads recently that have presented provocative evidence while simultaneously and literally telling me that I am an idiot or to get fucked if I disagree in pretty much the first post. But I do have an opinion and I won't be shut down like that by anybody. I did not poison this well.

Lately I feel that people all over the world could not agree on the most basic of things - like the sun rising and setting. I can look to this forum as proof of that. But now disagreement has turned into conspiracies and plots. When pictures such as these can be proof of some malevolent conspiracy? I don't even know how to react anymore.
That's a decent observation. But what if conditions (pressure, temperature and relative humidity) at 30,000 feet are different than at a car race at ground level? And what if a vapor trail caused by a momentary drop in pressure caused by a speeding car is different than one caused by a shitload of water vapor resulting from combustion of jet fuel? Have you ever seen a Formula 1 race at 30 degrees below zero?

I don't understand how people think it is real when none of it violates any rules of nature in any way. Sometimes vapor trails persist and sometimes they vanish. They can do both too because conditions in the air are not uniform. There are currents and eddys that effect vapor condensation. I have flown a plane and done a decent amount of paragliding. Those currents are there - I promise you.

As far as aircraft flying around in the middle of nowhere... well when you have a crowded traffic corridor and there is some sort of delay in front of you... what would you do? If I were in a car I would slow down and stop if necessary. Airplanes can't do that. Instead they get vectored out into the middle of nowhere and fly lazy and mostly boring patterns. I can't even count the number of times I have been in a holding pattern on an airplane. Have none of you ever felt a plane get buffeted by winds? Has nobody ever been on a plane where a pilot throttled down and then back up?

Does anybody know what commercial pilots or meteorologists think of chemtrails? They might have a decent understanding of such things.

I need to find a new place to hang. srsly
Where I live there are planes spraying almost everyday. Probably 5 days a week. The way I convince people chemtrails exist is i find a regular flight in the sky with contrails but disappearing pretty quickly. Then I point out that some other planes at the same time and in the same conditions are flying back and forth across the sky leaving trails that linger for hours and eventually drift together making a haze that covers the whole sky. They do grid like patterns here. Seeing the contrast between the 2 planes in the same sky at the same time is pretty convincing.
Where I live there are planes spraying almost everyday. Probably 5 days a week. The way I convince people chemtrails exist is i find a regular flight in the sky with contrails but disappearing pretty quickly. Then I point out that some other planes at the same time and in the same conditions are flying back and forth across the sky leaving trails that linger for hours and eventually drift together making a haze that covers the whole sky. They do grid like patterns here. Seeing the contrast between the 2 planes in the same sky at the same time is pretty convincing.
OK. So those bombers from WWII were spraying chemtrails, right?
Im not trying to be argumentive at all, after seeing these daily for serval years when I didn't use to I have become quite passionate.