Just A Thought...


Well-Known Member
A lot of our homeless choose to be homeless they have shelters but a lot choose to stay on the street plus you can't be drunk and get into the shelter but I can think of a good reason for that. But if you really want to get off the streets them people working in homeless shelters will help a lot they will give you a cell phone and foodstamps but you got to want to get your shit together.

Children under the poverty line also live a lot nicer in America than most countries unless the mother is a junky using welfare and foodstamps to get drugs but they get charged with neglect if caught and children get taken away. But we can't just house every junky nobody wants their apartment building to turned into a shooting gallery.

I talked to a lot of bums in Daytona Beach,FL all drunks and crack heads from what I seen and panhandling can't walk one block without someone asking for change and they actually make decent money more than enough to eat but drugs are more important they go to some place to eat in town for homeless people. It's very much a choice for everyone I met they all got a sob story but they are not incapable of work if they where Social Security and housing projects are an option certainly not so much in Mexico.

But children even on foodstamps and all they still have access to government food absolutely garbage but it is food. But not much you can do about it as well as public school and free lunch.
this is soooooo true..so many homeless CHOOSE it..they don't want to go 'inside'..many couch surf and just don't put much stock in material possessions are very happy..but it's not a lifestyle for everyone.

you would be surprised though what you can live without if you had to.


Well-Known Member
"Donations" can only come from a person on a voluntary basis or they aren't really donations, so when you attempt to claim that forcibly extracted funds are "donations" you are using government speak.

The barrel of the gun ? That becomes obvious, if you are honest. Any time government does anything, the means they use isn't based on YOU having voluntary options to participate or not. The means used is based in force, as in if you DON'T comply...their guns come out.

Hope that helps. Peace.
Where in my statements did I say someone should have to donate their money? I just said they won't and don't donate. Stop feeling guilty about your lack of charity.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
A lot of our homeless choose to be homeless they have shelters but a lot choose to stay on the street plus you can't be drunk and get into the shelter but I can think of a good reason for that. But if you really want to get off the streets them people working in homeless shelters will help a lot they will give you a cell phone and foodstamps but you got to want to get your shit together.

Children under the poverty line also live a lot nicer in America than most countries unless the mother is a junky using welfare and foodstamps to get drugs but they get charged with neglect if caught and children get taken away. But we can't just house every junky nobody wants their apartment building to turned into a shooting gallery.

I talked to a lot of bums in Daytona Beach,FL all drunks and crack heads from what I seen and panhandling can't walk one block without someone asking for change and they actually make decent money more than enough to eat but drugs are more important they go to some place to eat in town for homeless people. It's very much a choice for everyone I met they all got a sob story but they are not incapable of work if they where Social Security and housing projects are an option certainly not so much in Mexico.

But children even on foodstamps and all they still have access to government food absolutely garbage but it is food. But not much you can do about it as well as public school and free lunch.
I try to have compassion for homeless people, but every time I interact with them, it's more negative shit. I hate panhandlers. They aren't nice people down on their luck. Most of them are obnoxious a-holes, and it really pisses me off when they exploit animals for sympathy. They are also biohazards. If you doubt this, go visit a homeless camp right after they leave. Make sure you've had recent tetanus shot, and then watch your step! Why do you think they abandoned the site??? They have even polluted a lot of awesome wilderness close to a few of my favorite fishing holes with their fucking abandoned camp sites.
It may not be politically correct, but I really hate those fuckers...


Well-Known Member
I try to have compassion for homeless people, but every time I interact with them, it's more negative shit. I hate panhandlers. They aren't nice people down on their luck. Most of them are obnoxious a-holes, and it really pisses me off when they exploit animals for sympathy. They are also biohazards. If you doubt this, go visit a homeless camp right after they leave. Make sure you've had recent tetanus shot, and then watch your step! Why do you think they abandoned the site??? They have even polluted a lot of awesome wilderness close to a few of my favorite fishing holes with their fucking abandoned camp sites.
It may not be politically correct, but I really hate those fuckers...
Elitist much?


Well-Known Member
I try to have compassion for homeless people, but every time I interact with them, it's more negative shit. I hate panhandlers. They aren't nice people down on their luck. Most of them are obnoxious a-holes, and it really pisses me off when they exploit animals for sympathy. They are also biohazards. If you doubt this, go visit a homeless camp right after they leave. Make sure you've had recent tetanus shot, and then watch your step! Why do you think they abandoned the site??? They have even polluted a lot of awesome wilderness close to a few of my favorite fishing holes with their fucking abandoned camp sites.
It may not be politically correct, but I really hate those fuckers...
Yeah some of them are really bad with that shit just another reason nobody wants them to live in their home or apartment. A lot are decent people but their is a reason they are homeless. I wouldn't go as far to say I hate them though but they are a big reason I don't want to live in Florida not many homeless people around me it's just too cold and their are just way too many police in Florida for my liking. But we do have DEA in my area just got to stay away from junkies and meth heads because they have all the confidential informants many people grow weed but very few get caught and they always fuck up. I did love Florida as a kid though just ain't the same when you're an adult.


Well-Known Member
As for UncleBuck, I hope you're at least paid to be so stagnant with ideas and prejudice against anyone who has a different view than you have. I mean, it must be so damn exhausting, reading threads all day.. Just waiting for someone to mention anything remotely different than your opinion and views.. Repeating the same old speils daily, full of hate which causes you do resort to small penis jokes and calling people racist, or simply just calling someone an idiot.. Just because others can open their mind out of the box.. See both sides of a story.. Have civil conversation like normal functioning healthy minds of most adults.. instead of living in a one sided prison of a mind, like yourself.

Remember, if everyone had the same ideas, the world would be black and white. It's people like you that hold the world back.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Where in my statements did I say someone should have to donate their money? I just said they won't and don't donate. Stop feeling guilty about your lack of charity.

I'm sorry if I misunderstood your post.

Although your assumption about my charitable efforts is far off base, I've been commended by a lot of people over many years for the help I've given them and others.

I'm glad we agree nobody should be forced to do charity, as that method negates the meaning of charity.