Look Mummy, There's an Aeroplane in the Sky...

Telling me I'm dead wrong and you know more than me isn't a argument
It is an argument if it is dealing with a factual matter. You just have not realized that you are wrong and apparently aren't open to that possibility.

Well then ask a meteorologist if your assertion that contrails cannot persist is correct. It's not. But you won't do that. And I can't really drag your ass down to a university so that somebody with a better education than you can show you in person.

But I am talking to a person who believes that they can accurately tell the temperature, humidity, wind speed and distance of a clear gas at very long distances - so I don't really expect you to learn anything. Somehow your education led you to believe that the possibility of you being wrong about your observations is more remote than the likelihood of a secret conspiracy to ,,,, fill in the blank. It's fucking sad.

And before you claim that you never said you could do the above things... yes, you did. It was nestled in your logic that you can somehow distinguish the same plane in the same sky and assert that nothing else has changed!
Sometimes the planes leave vapor trails. Sometimes they don't. It is a function of pressure, relative humidity and the specific burn mixture being used by the aircraft.

Look, a whole lot of my friends here believe this and I don't feel like getting into a whole thread about it... But to me this is flat-earth plus finshaggy. Sorry, I just have to say it.

The burden of proof has not near been met in my book.
took 3 pages to get to that?
kudos my friend.
Ya'll need to check out physics
I've been gazing skyward for about 45 years and in those 45 years I've only saw one thing that I couldn't explain. In the early 90's I went outside to warm my truck up for the morning commute and I noticed and almost continuous line of what looked like white clouds in the morning sky. The eastern horizon was almost completely covered by what looked to be an unbroken continuous line of a white puffy cloud like substance that covered a great deal of the eastern sky that morning .
As the sun began to illuminate the sky these mysterious lines began to glow in the early morning sky so much so that I could continue to see it for the hour that I traveled to work. That's what did it for me!
As the years have slowly ticked by I have continued to gaze skyward and have never seen anything like I saw that early spring morning. Were they an unexplained phenomena or were they chemtrails or comtrails I don't know. I just know that I've never again seen anything like that since.
Key the Rod Serling twilight Zone music !
I see them all the time. The most memorable was when I was visiting a hospital. I stepped outside and literally watched two jets fly a huge grid over the hospital for about ten minutes, line by line perfectly formed. That's what did it for me, there was control and precision that naturally forming contrails could not to.
Telling me I'm dead wrong and you know more than me isn't a argument
Don't take it personally, he seems to be under the assumption that, because we believe something different to him, it means we are incapable of rational thought, critical thinking, and, well, the ability to read anything for ourselves. Like we just believe every meme we see on facebook without looking into any factual data and then spout opinions all over the internet. For someone who doesn't want to get into a whole thread about it, he certainly seems to have taken over the thread! I think he just gets off on trying to be offensive and I don't have time for the negativity, so I've given it up.
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Don't take it personally, he seems to be under the assumption that, because we believe something different to him, it means we are incapable of rational thought, critical thinking, and, well, the ability to read anything for ourselves. Like we just believe every meme we see on facebook without looking into any factual data and then spout opinions all over the internet. For someone who doesn't want to get into a whole thread about it, he certainly seems to have taken over the thread! I think he just gets off on trying to be offensive and I don't have time for the negativity, so I've given it up.
So sorry I insulted your science feelings.
that's the thing, i live minutes from a large, international airport, and the sky is chock full of planes on a daily basis.. it's very easy to spot whether a plane is coming in for a landing or just leaving the airport via the route they're taking, direction of travel, etc, if you pay attention it's simple enough to recognize what sort of pattern any said plane is on at a given time being so close to the airport..
the planes that i took the picture of the other day weren't on some simple flight path, flying from point a to point b, but would rather reach one end of the horizon, and turn around, fly a couple hundred or what ever amount of feet either higher or to the east or west of their last path, and then they'd fly the same pattern again, back from one end of the horizon to the other.. the other plane i saw was flying for thousands of feet in a vertical hold.. no passenger plane i ever witness coming out of the airport goes on such a dramatic ascent.
i understand what contrails are.. i watch formula 1 car racing all of the time, and if the air is moist enough and holding enough water, you can watch the contrails coming right off of the back of the wings, only these contrails evaporate back into the air quite quickly and don't continue to follow the car for extended periods of time, leaving huge trails behind them that linger for sometimes hours, unlike what i see coming off of the back of planes all of the time.

i'm not some conspiracy theory nutjob and don't fall for every little thing i read online, but i don't understand how people don't think this shit is real.. like i said earlier, i won't venture out so far as to make a guess as to what they're spraying as i have no clue, but it should be pretty obvious to anyone who lives in an environment where this happens that it's really happening.
the "vapour" trails coming off f1 car fins is due to pressure changes in the vortices changing the refractive index of the air it disturbs, planes also get this off their wing tips coming into land if the humidity is right, vapour contrails are high altitude condensation and freezing of the H2O released from hydrocarbon combustion, chemtrails linger in the sky for hours and are a separate phenomonen to the other 2
the "vapour" trails coming off f1 car fins is due to pressure changes in the vortices changing the refractive index of the air it disturbs, planes also get this off their wing tips coming into land if the humidity is right, vapour contrails are high altitude condensation and freezing of the H2O released from hydrocarbon combustion, chemtrails linger in the sky for hours and are a separate phenomonen to the other 2
can't remember where else we agreed, but you're man..
probably the flat-earthers thread....
plus you're obviously a car-guy so carry on in your ass-kickery, my good sir
the "vapour" trails coming off f1 car fins is due to pressure changes in the vortices changing the refractive index of the air it disturbs, planes also get this off their wing tips coming into land if the humidity is right, vapour contrails are high altitude condensation and freezing of the H2O released from hydrocarbon combustion, chemtrails linger in the sky for hours and are a separate phenomonen to the other 2
That was great Zeddd, until the end. Are you saying that water vapor cannot persist and therefore these must be chemtrails?
Not a secret that we have been fucking with the clouds for a long time. Here is a picture of Donald Duck doing it in the early 50s. Note: the farmer's field was "X" shaped in this case. Donald was good at what he did until he let jealousy cause his downfall.


You can bet your ass that lessening the drought in Cali's central valley is considered of vital importance.
Snowden go release your doc's elsewhere!
even going thru my FB feed I find this.....

I knew it all along anyway

" I describe evidence of clandestine geoengineering activity that has occurred for at least 15 years, and which has escalated sharply in the last two years. The geoengineering activity via tanker-jet aircraft emplaces a non-natural, toxic substance in the Earth’s atmosphere which with rainwater liberates highly mobile aluminum. Further, I present evidence that the toxic substance is coal combustion fly ash."
Dr. Marvin Herndon, PhD., a nuclear chemist
even going thru my FB feed I find this.....

I knew it all along anyway

" I describe evidence of clandestine geoengineering activity that has occurred for at least 15 years, and which has escalated sharply in the last two years. The geoengineering activity via tanker-jet aircraft emplaces a non-natural, toxic substance in the Earth’s atmosphere which with rainwater liberates highly mobile aluminum. Further, I present evidence that the toxic substance is coal combustion fly ash."
Dr. Marvin Herndon, PhD., a nuclear chemist

To be fair, theeventchronicle.com is an alternative news source, and Herndon is WAY outside mainstream science. Among the things he believes is that Plate Tectonics Theory is incorrect (instead he proposes an expanding Earth hypothesis, and that Earth was once a gas giant), and he's a climate change denier. He was removed from his position at University of California at San Diego, and his grants were revoked. His evidence supporting chemtrails is almost entirely anecdotal, which is strange for a scientist...


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