Look Mummy, There's an Aeroplane in the Sky...

never thought to question the source...I mean its on fb so it must be true, right?

Lol! Ime, very few people ever bother to question their sources, they read or hear something they like and that's good enough for them. That path usually leads straight to confirmation bias. Whenever I read something that rings true to me or something I wish were true, I immediately attempt to falsify it. It usually takes one google search to do so. But every so often, it turns out the source is legit, which is always a pleasant surprise. Needless to say, I'm a blast at parties...
Lol! Ime, very few people ever bother to question their sources, they read or hear something they like and that's good enough for them. That path usually leads straight to confirmation bias. Whenever I read something that rings true to me or something I wish were true, I immediately attempt to falsify it. It usually takes one google search to do so. But every so often, it turns out the source is legit, which is always a pleasant surprise. Needless to say, I'm a blast at parties...
I'd love to get talking to you at a party, it'd make for a very interesting evening!
Lol! Ime, very few people ever bother to question their sources, they read or hear something they like and that's good enough for them. That path usually leads straight to confirmation bias. Whenever I read something that rings true to me or something I wish were true, I immediately attempt to falsify it. It usually takes one google search to do so. But every so often, it turns out the source is legit, which is always a pleasant surprise. Needless to say, I'm a blast at parties...
It does not matter if his science is wrong and his work discredited. His science feels so good. It makes me feel like I matter. Just like these people who support him even now.

It was never cloudy when I was a kid. I'm sold.
  1. ff2dd31b2da2f4954661be4ca48823bd
    November 23, 2015 at 8:00 am
    I Agree with Johnny Smith. They have blown all the money which wasn't there to begin with. Now they want the Majority of Sheeple gone so the Gov'ts don't have to Pay for them. The New World Order Agenda 21 in full force. The Kill Program have been going on for decades and is ramping up at Full Speed Ahead….

    Captain….Full Speed Ahead….Yes Captain…

    Right Away Captain!!!

  2. df444ea34e6449ae893f67ef5652970e
    Aren Hoppssays:
    July 12, 2015 at 11:12 pm
    Why are San Diego’s Mayor silent on this spraying issue! this is a critical issue for everyone, we have to Speak against it.
    <a href="http://www.neurosurgeryresidency.com/">neurosurgerypersonal statement</a>

  3. f9173bc99ca79f000e1eba6bd1b7ca81
    February 5, 2015 at 6:33 pm
    Does anyone know if he got a reply?

  4. d9947949a099fe19ef2dfc4787b1aed0
    January 30, 2015 at 12:06 am
    I will tell you why they did it. Its all part of the plan to lay new laws at anytime the Fed can set forth marshal law and there is not a dam thing you can do about it. I am by no means a nut job I am awake there is not many out there that are and the goverments and the people who contral the goverments hate us. They have done a very good job at putting the sheep to sleep time to wake up. The truth is in front of your face turn off you TV and go down the rabbit hole. What you will find is not good. FEMA camps are real agenda 21 very real lead by obama care so make sure you sighn up….. We have ran marshal law drills in sleepy little towns and play it off and just a drill. No media tells shit about it because they are told not to or they will loose there FCC Lic. How they have made everone so blind is beyond me. My guess the shit food on our shelves full of chemicals that dumb down the masses.

  5. 70b829a136e108b3c7f380d35196e5d7
    David Alcantarasays:
    January 29, 2015 at 4:55 am
    Greetings to you all. It’s hard to swallow what i see in the sky today,compared to what I remember of my youth. Maybe the politicians have too much aluminum in their systems.
  1. c2ee3ec862e9693621fbff2feba24e26
    January 27, 2015 at 12:38 pm
    Outstanding. It really makes me cry just sitting here reading this. If this man, and if you Dane, were the ones in the seats of our useless United States appointed representatives, if you both were our governors or senators, we wouldn’t be in this mess to begin with. You are real MEN. When the others end up in HELL for their genocidal inaction, they will not have to question how they got there. Thank you both, so much. God in Heaven knows you have a place there.

  2. 0708042bc476b390aa1b2f7d2d4a28e0
    Stuart McDermottsays:
    January 26, 2015 at 3:44 pm
    Hi All,

    I am from the UK and am currently testing the use of Photographic aerial platforms…Not a drone…along with a high lumen projector to be able to project GEOENGINEERINGWATCH.ORG onto every government building I can do it on.
    The time has come for us all to take a stand, and this is how i will get the message out.
    When enough committed people get together and decide it is time for change it will happen. If we can generate enough positive energy that force becomes unstoppable.
    Have faith all this awakening is happening.

  3. caf92a4f86fa700c203187bff2021695
    January 23, 2015 at 7:02 pm
    I live in SanDiego County also and recently started researching about the chemtrails because we see so many of them. I am horrified with what I found. There has been no coverage of this in the news. No surprise there! How can we follow up to see if Dr. Hemdon’s letter got a response?

  4. 26663688b4abc0cacad520ec61cb6c93
    Paul Vonharnishsays:
    January 23, 2015 at 3:42 pm
    Bravo Freedom Ranger!!! The ancient Greeks understood more about man’s hubris than any civilization since. These old myths and parables were spoken and repeated for good reason. Electronics technology usage is THE major environmental and human disaster of all time…

  5. ad0ceb1275858a12a1bcbf56ae7a85b2
    Bev Millersays:
    January 23, 2015 at 4:06 am
    The skies over Mansfield Tx are constantly being checkered with chem trails. Where once our morning skies were crisp, clear and blue they now contain long oddly shaped white stuff, not really clouds. My husband and I have noticed very thick and low chem trails in the moonlight. As of today, our water has a unusual smell and taste. I dont want to use it for cooking or washing clothes. Where do I go to get it inspected by someone not controlled by the ones creating the problem. Man is the smartest creature on this planet yet he is the dumbest. If we dont evolve and learn to care and cherish our planet and become one with each other we will perish. Earth is a breath taking living planet. No creature or being should be allowed to destroy her. Earth was a gift. We were suppose to be care takers but instead greed has changed us into a nasty mange eating away at her insides and skin. If we dont start healing her she will heal herself of the parasites eating her up. Her count down has begun. My family and I dont want to perish but dont know how to fix her!

  6. adfcbfea27d12b853271c86b65d60a85
    January 23, 2015 at 12:22 am
    Back for a brief moment; 1/22/15 at 9:00 p.m. having rain and snow mix earlier in Southwest, New Mexico and the El Paso, Texas area. If you are familiar with the Organ Mountains, by Las Cruces N.M. they got snow in high parts as well in city. The Franklin Mountains by El Paso received also. As the day wore on the trained eye could see the residue of trails looking like long cigars east to west, as from north to south. You couldn’t even hear them suckers up there flying breaking up storm we received coming in from the east in very early hrs. It brought to mind how much chemicals was likely in this snow. This is what they do best we now know people, create havoc the brood of vipers. Good evening…

Besides @tyler.durden - you have not explained autism and Alzheimers! Science tells us that if you cannot explain these, chemtrails are real.

Next you are going to tell me that these pictures of chemical tanks in aircraft are actually water barrels used to test shifts in aircraft loads and center of balance just like Boeing told the public.


and you still have not answered the question of who is paying for this and why they are doing it.
Besides @tyler.durden - you have not explained autism and Alzheimers! Science tells us that if you cannot explain these, chemtrails are real.

Next you are going to tell me that these pictures of chemical tanks in aircraft are actually water barrels used to test shifts in aircraft loads and center of balance just like Boeing told the public.


and you still have not answered the question of who is paying for this and why they are doing it.

We broke that story long ago -


How can someone with tits like this be wrong? So what she's got the education of a 4th grader? She cried and... tits! That's worth more to me than just about every biologist and pediatrician proving otherwise. Fucking science... pffft...

As far as the Alzheimer's increase and other things you mentioned, I'm sure a better pair of tits will show up soon to explain it to us. Or maybe just a big butt. I hear Kim is almost finished reading a book on these subjects...

We broke that story long ago -


How can someone with tits like this be wrong? So what she's got the education of a 4th grader? She cried and... tits! That's worth more to me than just about every biologist and pediatrician proving otherwise. Fucking science... pffft...

Look at those cute toes, just look at them!