EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Did they underestimate them, or are they just preparing for the inevitable? They know they won't live forever, so are we seeing the beginning of the transition of the republican establishment from the religious right to something new (likely xenophobia and a new ingrained hatred for minorities)? They need something to tie onto, some sort of ignorance to exploit, so do you think it will be republicans hatred for anything different? Religion, Racism (teh blacks), sexism (women/LGBT) are out of the picture, so who will be their next targeted demographic to hate? I think it will have to be illegal immigrants and ISIS/terrorists. They'll be able to legitimately play the terrorist card for the foreseeable future, but I think the illegal immigrant card will be stifled by the next general election. So who will they have left to pick on?

Eagle has had hostile takeover due to Schlafly's support of Trump..Trump wishes to oust Reince Priebus..imo GOP will become fringe while moderates will move to center or centrist and vote Clinton who is a moderate republican and always has been.
That's called old skool.

Actually "very old school" would be finding ways of aligning interests peacefully with people or if that isn't possible, simply leaving them alone and requesting the same from them.

I realize that's not a popular political method, but it doesn't belie the efficiacy of that philosophy.

Politics exist to pit people against each other so a third party can benefit at the sufferance of others.

Sort of like when Bernie says he's against "the military industrial complex", but protects the F-35 program in Vermont, so he'll keep getting elected so he can say he's against "big banks" all the while voting to extend debt ceilings and aid big banks.

Actually "very old school" would be finding ways of aligning interests peacefully with people or if that isn't possible, simply leaving them alone and requesting the same from them.

I realize that's not a popular political method, but it doesn't belie the efficiacy of that philosophy.

Politics exist to pit people against each other so a third party can benefit at the sufferance of others.

Sort of like when Bernie says he's against "the military industrial complex", but protects the F-35 program in Vermont, so he'll keep getting elected so he can say he's against "big banks" all the while voting to extend debt ceilings and aid big banks.

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Please don't talk to me.
I won't be talking to schuylaar anymore per her request. She's made her intentions clear she wishes to be left alone.

Would somebody please relay that same message for me to Bernie Sanders or which ever douche the sheep elect as President ? I'm willing to leave them alone if they will leave me alone. Peace.
Did they underestimate them, or are they just preparing for the inevitable? They know they won't live forever, so are we seeing the beginning of the transition of the republican establishment from the religious right to something new (likely xenophobia and a new ingrained hatred for minorities)? They need something to tie onto, some sort of ignorance to exploit, so do you think it will be republicans hatred for anything different? Religion, Racism (teh blacks), sexism (women/LGBT) are out of the picture, so who will be their next targeted demographic to hate? I think it will have to be illegal immigrants and ISIS/terrorists. They'll be able to legitimately play the terrorist card for the foreseeable future, but I think the illegal immigrant card will be stifled by the next general election. So who will they have left to pick on?
The only reason that I used the term "underestimated" is that I have to believe that these right-wing politicians weren't fully aware of how much these church nuts would come to absolutely dominate the party. Maybe they did though. And the hatred of minorities and the xenophobia is nothing more than the republicans NEW pimp, the tea party. The difference between these two, how I see it, is the fact that in down ballot elections the tea party is actually getting some of these lunatics elected to office. Whereas the Christian right, with a few notable exceptions (ted cruz), seemed to be OK with being pandered to. The tea party has got such a hold on the republicans right now that their candidates have to go so far right to win their primaries, that it just kills any chance of winning a national election. Completely crazy seems to be enough for state elections though.
Yes she is a Republican that hates guns is a Democrap...

DINO; Democrat In Name Only.

New York City in particular is and always has been very progressive, even liberal politically. Mr Sanders has an excellent opportunity to leap ahead of Mrs Clinton- and do it in her home state!

Paul Song screwed up with the 'whores' comment. He'd have gotten the reaction he was looking for had he just used the word 'parasites' instead. It would have been an even more apt and accurate description and repugnant mental picture.
You are correct.
Would you be surprised to learn that the gun control act of 1968 was basically written by the NRA?

I WAS surprised to learn it a few years ago, yes. Interesting how their policy positions have 'evolved' over the last half century, thanks to republican influence.