why are my leaves falling


Well-Known Member
In my opinion it looks like over watering? The stems stand straight up on the plant and the leaves droop on the end of the stem. Saw an example of it on another post. Just a thought not sure your watering routine.


In my opinion it looks like over watering? The stems stand straight up on the plant and the leaves droop on the end of the stem. Saw an example of it on another post. Just a thought not sure your watering routine.
My watering routine is when ever i find the soil gets dry in around 3 times a week but i was always watering it mixed with nutrients fertilizer liquid couple of drops and 0.3 mml of bio root simulation liquid in 0,5 liter of water bottle, im not using only water
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Yah but you know in the morning the top bud was purple Color but after watering it this morning with only waterit seems like the purple color got lighter i don't know do you think im giving her a lot of nutrients?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tip though, but how can i get the amino supplement? As in my current staying place doesn't have much imported products, plus what is the cause of this deficiency
Magnesium deficiency is just like any other, the plant uses lots of Mag.

I follow a rule of 30-40% of my food is Cal-Mag (strain dependent) then I Add any supplements I am using lastly I add the Flowering food and I use PPMs to create the nutrient profile.

So for ease of description a 1000 ppm diet mixed in a gallon jug goes like this,
My water starts at 100 ppm then I add 5 ml of cal–mag, 2ml of suplement Potasium sulphate and I finish by adding 5 ml of flowering food.
So my jug ends up a between 1000 and 1100 ppm when finished.
I split that in half for younger plants.
Take 2 jugs fill them half way with water and top off with nutrient solution.
Mine is always around 550ppms, I use this on my Clones, I only veg 1 week because I am running a SOG.

General consensus is Miracle grow is not a good choice for growing cannabis.
From the looks of the photos and the statement about Gnats along with Your yellowing and dying leads I would say the plant is being eaten at the roots.

Flip that plant over and pull the Pot so you can examine your roots.
(Best to do while soil is dry)

My personal anti bug remedy is Dawn Dish detergent
(non anti microbial, very important)

I mix a 1/4 tsp in 5 gallons and pour over my plants, I believe the soap suffocates the bugs but that is just a hypothesis.
It works for me to get rid of spring tails and Gnats.
It has never hurt my plants, they seem to like it.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tip though, but how can i get the amino supplement? As in my current staying place doesn't have much imported products, plus what is the cause of this deficiency
Magnesium deficiency is just like any other, the plant uses lots of Mag.

I follow a rule of 30-40% of my food is Cal-Mag (strain dependent) then I Add any supplements I am using lastly I add the Flowering food and I use PPMs to create the nutrient profile.

So for ease of description a 1000 ppm diet mixed in a gallon jug goes like this,
My water starts at 100 ppm then I add 5 ml of cal–mag, 2ml of suplement Potasium sulphate and I finish by adding 5 ml of flowering food.
So my jug ends up a between 1000 and 1100 ppm when finished.
I split that in half for younger plants.
Take 2 jugs fill them half way with water and top off with nutrient solution.
Mine is always around 550ppms, I use this on my Clones, I only veg 1 week because I am running a SOG.

General consensus is Miracle grow is not a good choice for growing cannabis.
From the looks of the photos and the statement about Gnats along with Your yellowing and dying leads I would say the plant is being eaten at the roots.

Flip that plant over and pull the Pot so you can examine your roots.
(Best to do while soil is dry)

My personal anti bug remedy is Dawn Dish detergent
(non anti microbial, very important)

I mix a 1/4 tsp in 5 gallons and pour over my plants, I believe the soap suffocates the bugs but that is just a hypothesis.
It works for me to get rid of spring tails and Gnats.
It has never hurt my plants, they seem to like it.

How do you water?
What is the water schedule?
I want a picture of the whole plant. Not just a cpl of leaves! Tells me nothing!

MG and the one you have 16-16-16 is most of the problem.....
MG is formulated to screw with cannabis - actually the maker admitted it in a press report after they bought G&H!

Your ratio for NPK is off and you'll need a good source of micro nutes, plant hormones and B-vits.....GO directly to a Kelp extract and add that at 5ml with every feeding....

When your done with this run, DITCH the MG!
I agree Dr. who

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
So just a couple of questions to help clarify what all are saying here, but I think roots are fucked. Miracle grow ratio is way off, and time release, I used it for the first 10 years and while not the best it was ok but how are ratio's way off, is it not pretty much balanced but higher amounts of each in a measured amount? Time release is but one of their products and not aware of a liquid time release. Again I truly believe roots are the main issue here but not an expert lol. Also I don't think it's a fan issue but agree a fan is nice ;) although not necessary, it helps in my case to keep canopy a bit cooler is all and doesn't hit the plant much.


Well-Known Member
my choice for soil is Fox Farm, if I was growing in soil again.
I would use Happy frog for seedlings and clones at least the first 2 weeks then repot with ocean forest.
I use the Fox Farm nutrient Grow Big And Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom.
One for veg one for flower and the other is microbes and shit
(bat guano to be exact)
Big Bloom is used once weekly or in small doses mixed in a resevoir during veg and flower.


Dogenze, budley, i really appreciate the rich information that you provided me I'll go through reading and get more knowledge, thank you all my friends, you are the best :)

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
The MG and the 16-16-16 are definitely the problem. If you want to use MG, specifically use the Nature's Care organic line. It's OMRI listed and the only MG product suited for marijuana.


The MG and the 16-16-16 are definitely the problem. If you want to use MG, specifically use the Nature's Care organic line. It's OMRI listed and the only MG product suited for marijuana.

But you know I'm restricted place that i can't offer much products and there are some local produce which I'm using, is there any other thing that i can do or creat some suitable for Marijuana?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
And for the bugs I would use a misquito dunk, Made with Bt-israelensis (Bt-i), a highly specific biological pesticide, this product represent a major breakthrough for people and the environment when compared with the traditional toxic chemical approach to mosquito control. Will NOT harm people, pets, wildlife or fish. FYI I copied this lol.