First time grow and LST


Active Member
This is my first grow ever and attempt to do LST. I didn't use any tie downs but I did bending techniques and topping/fiming. The main reason I did LST was to have multiple colas. These plants are a month and a half into veg and started as clones. I'm going to keep vegging for a few more weeks because I have much more height to work with. My question is, will there still be multiple colas even if the canapy isn't perfectly even? Some of the branches are a little taller than others. Also, is it too late to do scrog? Would it be worth it to do scrog at this point? Any feed back on how my grow looks and how to maximize yield would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.



Well-Known Member
Supercrop them girls if your giving them a couple more weeks of veg. It will even out the canopy and allow lower shoots to come up. Don't forget about the plant stretching during flower. The look awsome.


Well-Known Member
A Scrog grow would not be the best way to go at this point IMHO. I am doing a Scrog now and pretty much the point of Scrog training is to do some bending manipulation as well as focusing all energy on the tops. Therefore most Scrogger will have lollipopped their plants. Yours have a lot of nice bushy side formations going on. I would continue to top and FIM...combine that with the super-cropping Bose mentioned and add some monster cropping as well. Information on how to correctly do all of these training methods can be found in abundance on RIU...use the search function, it is your friend.

Good Luck and great Growz!

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
Yes you will still have multiple cola's. Even if you grew it with no training you'd have multiple. When training an even canopy you just make all of the cola's the same size,due to them all being near the light instead of just the main highest point getting the most light. With training an even canopy you have a larger yeild since you max the potentional of all cola's rather than just maxing the potential of the main tallest cola and giving less light to the other lower head budsites.

I agree with both previous responses, i think there is more than one good way to do what you can do next to maximize your yeild. But personally I would add a scrog net just because that's what I prefer and do myself. I think you have a great base to start scrogging, perfect bushy girls.
Great work tho man, normally the newbie section is full of stretched out soil plants, you on the other hand did some nice as growing so far. You'll be growing some fat ass buds! You honestly have the best "first grow" plants i've seen since i can remember.


Active Member
Supercrop them girls if your giving them a couple more weeks of veg. It will even out the canopy and allow lower shoots to come up. Don't forget about the plant stretching during flower. The look awsome.
Thanks for the advice. I want to supercrop and think I can do it. Do I just want to supercrop the tallest branches in attempt to even them/slow growth for the other branches to catch up? If so would I want to just bend them to a point where they are level with other branches or would I want to go lower? I appreciate the advice.


Well-Known Member
Well, I am not too arrogant to say I could be wrong...maybe a Scrog could work well for you now. Anon knows his shtuff just as well as any successful grower does. But the main point is to increase quantity and quality so the best training method for your grow, is the training method you choose to do.


Active Member
A Scrog grow would not be the best way to go at this point IMHO. I am doing a Scrog now and pretty much the point of Scrog training is to do some bending manipulation as well as focusing all energy on the tops. Therefore most Scrogger will have lollipopped their plants. Yours have a lot of nice bushy side formations going on. I would continue to top and FIM...combine that with the super-cropping Bose mentioned and add some monster cropping as well. Information on how to correctly do all of these training methods can be found in abundance on RIU...use the search function, it is your friend.

Good Luck and great Growz!
Good info.. I will avoid scrog and maybe try to implement it for my outdoor setup this summer. I will supercrop and fim and see how it goes! I know my primary focus shouldn't be to maximize yields for my first grow and focus more on healthy plants but Ive taken several plant bio/botany classes so I figured I might as well go all out since I already have the basics under my plate.


Active Member
Yes you will still have multiple cola's. Even if you grew it with no training you'd have multiple. When training an even canopy you just make all of the cola's the same size,due to them all being near the light instead of just the main highest point getting the most light. With training an even canopy you have a larger yeild since you max the potentional of all cola's rather than just maxing the potential of the main tallest cola and giving less light to the other lower head budsites.

I agree with both previous responses, i think there is more than one good way to do what you can do next to maximize your yeild. But personally I would add a scrog net just because that's what I prefer and do myself. I think you have a great base to start scrogging, perfect bushy girls.
Great work tho man, normally the newbie section is full of stretched out soil plants, you on the other hand did some nice as growing so far. You'll be growing some fat ass buds! You honestly have the best "first grow" plants i've seen since i can remember.
Thanks for the compliment! I give most of my credit to fox farm soil and large pots.. Sure the training and topping is important but I haven't had any deficiencies or health problems. I see a lot of issues with beginners are nutrient issues or undersized pots so I planned accordingly...


Well-Known Member
I think you will be fine either way. The SCROG method is still an option IMO. I have used used both techniques and prefer SCROG. The sooner you get a net up the better because the longer you train in veg the better you will be in flower. Either way will produce great results and you look like you are doing well!


Active Member
The branches already bounced back and plants are recovering really well. They also look much more spread out. I do have a question though. Should I prune now to open up the canopy? Or should I wait until plants are healed to prune?



Active Member
Depends when these girls look 100% again but most likely in a week or two. The mh bulb is making really tight nodes but not much stretch so I'm trying to drag the veg on as long as possible

Active Member
It won't hurt you to prune now, I wait until second week of flower or until they start to show but sites. I usually de-foliate to get light to lower bid sites every couple days. Then pull most of the fan leaves during week 5-6.
Nice plants.


Active Member
It won't hurt you to prune now, I wait until second week of flower or until they start to show but sites. I usually de-foliate to get light to lower bid sites every couple days. Then pull most of the fan leaves during week 5-6.
Nice plants.
I know this may sound dumb hut is there a difference between pruning and defoliation? Do you remove lower side branches in defoliation of just the small excess leaves around the base?

Active Member
I would wait till you flower if your plants are going to stretch out for the first couple weeks then you'll know which branches you want to pull at the bottom of the plant. You'll also know which fan leaves need to come off so that you can get light to your lower Bud sites.


Well-Known Member
I get rid of everything below the canopy, but I scrog. I started my SCROG late which was in the first week of flower. I was in the same situation as you and was going to super-crop but at the last minute decided to SCROG. The first pic is week one and the second is week 4(now). The other pics kind of show the result you would looking for when pruning/defoliating. You can see the difference from week 1 to week 4. I also pluck all the big fan leaves above the net. Hope this helps


Active Member
Looks nice GroJo, I pull the bottom leaves and branches as well. And I start pulling fab leaves early on flower by week five should just be colas and sugar leaves. Gotta make sure you have lots of movement thru the canopy.