Look Mummy, There's an Aeroplane in the Sky...


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3653684 View attachment 3653685

lol, not actual clouds.. i sat out on the porch the other day for a few hours, and watched the so called clouds being sprayed out of the back of plane.. af first, they were just straight lines going from one end of the horizon to the other, but slowly, over time, the lines broadened, and spread out into what looked almost like normal clouds, only there wasn't a cloud in the sky before the planes flew over..
guess i'm an idiot and what i saw with my own 2 eyes was lying to me..

there's no doubt that they're spraying something, i'll just withhold taking a guess as to what..

that thing that looks like a cloud in between the two obvious chemtrails that i watched come out of a back of plane weren't there before the plane sprayed w/e it was and over i'd say, 20 minutes to a half an hour or so, spread out to a more cloud like structure instead of the straight lines that they were sprayed with..
" i'm an idiot"< only true part of the post


Well-Known Member
Spiders, cool.
But Bob Ross died at the tender age of 52 from lymphoma. Those oil paints are carcenogenic.


Well-Known Member
They use missing children in McDonald's hamburgers it must be true I seen it on Facebook....

The funniest thing is my wife's cousin did not take the story with a bucket of salt. Lol