Well-Known Member
I luv puppy kisses
Awe, that's horrible.My best friend whom lives in the interior of Ak just called - he was a musher for many years and has had literally hundreds of dogs.
He got out of the mushing gig years ago & for the last 8 has had just one, a female lab whom passed away in his arms tonite from the C.
I threatened to steal that girl for years (I hunt moose with him every year) which just means she would have broken my heart that much more.
He said she was still laying on his bed in her spot.
Damn, this shit sux!
I'm so sorry, boss. All my best to you and your buddy.I'm broke.
I loved that dog.
Sorry man, that's horrible. My boxer ,he's only 6 but tend not to live a long life. I've been an emotional wreck lately, everytime I read, watch or look at my dog and think about the day I ball like a bitch....it's amazing how much impact your pet has on oneself.
She's fine. Right next to me. We are smoking some Sour Bubble and watching Golden Girls.Condolences GWN.
I hesitate to ask Pinny, but is Faith OK?
That's because they just ate your cookies
That's the "if you don't toss it for me now, I'll start drooling heavily" face.Good luck with your pooch !
I know the feeling, just had a med issue with my Boerboel that scared the crap out of us but he's on the mend now.
View attachment 3657205
First thing that came to my mind was "Army of Darkness"View attachment 3659182
I LOVE puppy breath. I had a standard poodle who had a litter of 15 pups, all living. Now THAT was a lot of puppy breath!