l-e-d lights any one used these


Well-Known Member
Me brother wants to get in to growing i wa thinking about getting one of these and a auto under it to start him of,whats your views on it.58.00 quid free postage P&P



Well-Known Member
I've never used one personally but I've read that these lights are fine for vegetative and flowering. Whether or not it is as effective as an HPS is of much debate but I think LED's are a good learning light that will help you keep your temperatures down.


Well-Known Member
I just ordered two of those for my veg room. Cheeper off eBay than Amazon or anywhere else I've found and seem perfect for veg. Will do way better than the cfls I've been using. I have a purple auto in going to throw in there w them in the corner just for fun.

I'm using a VIPAR 900w (425w actual) as a replacement for a 600w hps to see if they measure up for flowering. If so i'll replace everything w top of the line led. So far with that light it definitely runs cooler than my hps and is bright as fuck. Got another month of flower but so far so good.


Well-Known Member
There is a lot of antipathy here towards those lights.

They are very inefficient, so you don't get the energy savings that you get with COB based LEDs like Vero or Cree.

They (Mars Hydro snd their predecessor company) also have allegedly had issues with honoring their warranties.

The only reason to use those over HPS lighting is if you have a problem keeping your temperatures down. Otherwise, you'll do better for about the same $$$ with HPS.


Well-Known Member
There is a lot of antipathy here towards those lights.

They are very inefficient, so you don't get the energy savings that you get with COB based LEDs like Vero or Cree.

They (Mars Hydro snd their predecessor company) also have allegedly had issues with honoring their warranties.

The only reason to use those over HPS lighting is if you have a problem keeping your temperatures down. Otherwise, you'll do better for about the same $$$ with HPS.
I would agree the strongest with this post. Also you have no idea when the LEDs on the light will burn out. I've seen diodes that go after a few weeks, some last months. They will fail eventually. If you really really really want to use LEDs fork out the cash for 2 COBs, 2 CPU heatsinks, and a driver.

Toaster D

Well-Known Member
Do it. I've had awesome results with inexpensive LEDs.

RIU will make you feel like less than a 2nd class citizen for using it, but I don't think yield will be that much less. I haven't seen hard evidence though either. For $58.00 you'll be happy IMO. Gotta start somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Me brother wants to get in to growing i wa thinking about getting one of these and a auto under it to start him of,whats your views on it.58.00 quid free postage P&P

LOOK AT THE WATTS PER DIODE , IF ITS 3 WATTS PER . OK ?? 5 WATTS PER YOUR WINNING , BUT IF ONLY 1 WATT PER . BOAT ANCHOR it . cfls will do better and save you 50.00 of them quids. imo


Well-Known Member

There is a lot of antipathy here towards those lights.

They are very inefficient, so you don't get the energy savings that you get with COB based LEDs like Vero or Cree.

They (Mars Hydro snd their predecessor company) also have allegedly had issues with honoring their warranties.

The only reason to use those over HPS lighting is if you have a problem keeping your temperatures down. Otherwise, you'll do better for about the same $$$ with HPS.
If I can ask what what makes them more efficient? From what I read they make it sound so confusing I can't wrap my head around what the difference would be. Better penetration, light spectrum, or what?

From the research I have done it looks like cob would be better for covering a large area more cost affordable, yet less yield. Standard led would cost more (fixture and electricity wise) to cover the same area but yield more... Yes no?

Can you direct me to a link that would put it in laymans terms, by chance? Google is confusing me.


Well-Known Member

If I can ask what what makes them more efficient? From what I read they make it sound so confusing I can't wrap my head around what the difference would be. Better penetration, light spectrum, or what?

From the research I have done it looks like cob would be better for covering a large area more cost affordable, yet less yield. Standard led would cost more (fixture and electricity wise) to cover the same area but yield more... Yes no?

Can you direct me to a link that would put it in laymans terms, by chance? Google is confusing me.

Should help get you started. Yes it's dyi, but he does a great job breaking some important stuff down so you can make a better choice.


Well-Known Member
I have 4 of them.... they do okay, not as good as HPS but I have had good results. I believe my CFL's are far better though for veg.... far better.


Well-Known Member
I have 4 of them.... they do okay, not as good as HPS but I have had good results. I believe my CFL's are far better though for veg.... far better.
Really? Damn I just bought two...

In your opinion would I be better off returning and sticking w t5s for veg?


Well-Known Member
I don't think the LED is as good for veg...I just started using the CFL for veg because I had plants flowering under the LED's so I needed to do something quick... I was very surprised at the light penetration of the CFL's.... I bought a used bathroom light fixture that held 6 lights and then I all ready had lamps for our livestock so I put a splitter in one to use two lights..... I also set my vegging plants outside during the day (if not rainy)...Western Oregon = RAIN or going to rain.
If you need help there are far better old guys than me.
... just remember " It is a weed"... Yup, so is a rose by any other name.


Well-Known Member
Really? Damn I just bought two...

In your opinion would I be better off returning and sticking w t5s for veg?
You would be better flowering with the t5 to. The t5ho is a better light. Once it is bought you just replace bulbs.

I veg and flower with t5.
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