Well ya. Using a chiller would be cool but that requires constant ice replacement. I refuse to have to do that everyday. It's gotta be self sufficient like the peltier I talked about or a water chiller that's legit 1/10HPYou are clear you want to control the temperature of the water you are supplying and there are many ways to do it, This for example http://www.homebrewing.org/product....ium=shopping&gclid=CIDcwZT3lswCFQ8yaQodCMQAWQ is one of many ways.
Gorilla "heat pump" use a t-stat like the one I have the probe is waterproof its 15 bucks and you probably have a spare 12v pump and either the wort cooler or a coil of the pvc your using. Excuse the bad artwork:
View attachment 3659602
Yes they are. All the returns are 3/4".are your supply lines all 1/2 in?
So you mean a tote in a cooler surrounded by ice water being pumped directly into the tote itself? So I'd need 2 pumps of the same gph? One pumping it to there and one pumping it backPeltiers are power hungry better suited for quick temp changes maybe something directly on the feed line but I don't see a way to control the temp, its all or nothing with them and 5 chips nearly 6 amps a piece guess i have some novelty drink warmer/chillers. If you only have a couple of degrees to gain put a small rubber maid tote inside a cooler again ice but it'll probably last several days because the return water goes back to the relatively big thermal well of the water in the tote....just slightly less than random thought here...
Nope one pump in the tote goes to the wort cooler (same physics as a worm in moonshiners) and returns to the tote no gph controlSo you mean a tote in a cooler surrounded by ice water being pumped directly into the tote itself? So I'd need 2 pumps of the same gph? One pumping it to there and one pumping it back
yup simplerBecause I see it being a lot simpler just running 50' of 1/2" tubing wound up in am ice filled cooler pumping off one pump in the res, through the tube, through the ice, and then back into the res. I COULD put the cooler outside the tent but it wouldn't matter a ton
Yes sir.so like i said not done hydro for 15 years and these setups are totally foreign to me are you recirculating continuously or what
They make stainless but ...... not sayin your cheap but ...That wort chiller link you posted would be nice too, but I wouldn't wanna pump my nute solution right in the copper. It would leak bad things into it. Same if it were in my res pumping cold water through it. Copper is copper.
you might be well suited for the peltiers then but I'd probably locate it outside the tent cause your air temps seem perfect, unless you have an issue at night or want to try that reverse temperature inversion or whatver..Yes sir.
I can control my temp easily with that radiating heater. If it's off temp will plummet to 70ish. But I still don't know what driver/power supply I'm gonna need to run 2 136.8w max peltiers at 96watts off of ONE power supply/cord. They are 15v 8amp peltiers max so I think what I'd want would be 12v 12amp supply and then just an apv 12-12 for the cpu fans and I'm not sure what I'd need for the 12v pump. It's 12v 350ma, so 4.8 watts.so if the apv 12-12 has 1 amp on it, cpus are 1/4(0.25)amp I think? So I could run all 3 devices -2 fans and 1 pump on a single APV12-12 correct?you might be well suited for the peltiers then but I'd probably locate it outside the tent cause your air temps seem perfect, unless you have an issue at night or want to try that reverse temperature inversion or whatver..
how are you connecting them? in parallel the fans and pump should be ok I think youre on the right track for the peltiers too but youve inspired me to go digging to see if I have one so....I can control my temp easily with that radiating heater. If it's off temp will plummet to 70ish. But I still don't know what driver/power supply I'm gonna need to run 2 136.8w max peltiers at 96watts off of ONE power supply/cord. They are 15v 8amp peltiers max so I think what I'd want would be 12v 12amp supply and then just an apv 12-12 for the cpu fans and I'm not sure what I'd need for the 12v pump. It's 12v 350ma, so 4.8 watts.so if the apv 12-12 has 1 amp on it, cpus are 1/4(0.25)amp I think? So I could run all 3 devices -2 fans and 1 pump on a single APV12-12 correct?
Am I on track here @Rahz @Growmau5 @Greengenes707