SinCity Seeds Info Thread

Trying out some of Sin City's latest CBD releases Incredible Power and HarleSin.

First 2 Incredible Power I popped are trucking along. HarleSin is giving me a tough time though, first 4 beans I cracked have died on me after a few days above the soil. Can't get them out of their cotyledons. Any one else having trouble getting these going?

About to germ the last 3 HarleSin seeds I have, really going to try to baby these, any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Trying out some of Sin City's latest CBD releases Incredible Power and HarleSin.

First 2 Incredible Power I popped are trucking along. HarleSin is giving me a tough time though, first 4 beans I cracked have died on me after a few days above the soil. Can't get them out of their cotyledons. Any one else having trouble getting these going?

About to germ the last 3 HarleSin seeds I have, really going to try to baby these, any tips would be greatly appreciated.

How do the seeds look? Are they healthy? SCS has a replacement guarantee if you look on their site. Might wanna contact them if it's a no go.
How do the seeds look? Are they healthy? SCS has a replacement guarantee if you look on their site. Might wanna contact them if it's a no go.

Seeds are a little small, but healthy looking. They have all germinated in at least 48 hours, so nothing out of sorts there. It could just be user error. I have sown plenty of seeds and this is my first time running into a situation like this. I have never grown ACDC or a cross of it, does anyone know if they strain is finicky to begin with?

Thanks for letting me know about the 'replacement guarantee' I will definitely contact them if nothing turns up.
Seeds are a little small, but healthy looking. They have all germinated in at least 48 hours, so nothing out of sorts there. It could just be user error. I have sown plenty of seeds and this is my first time running into a situation like this. I have never grown ACDC or a cross of it, does anyone know if they strain is finicky to begin with?

Thanks for letting me know about the 'replacement guarantee' I will definitely contact them if nothing turns up.

I have heard from people opinions I respect a lot and @st0wandgrow has grown a few high CBD strains and he said he has noticed they don't like the soil mediums. All grew better hydro he can tell you better tho but I think that's what you may be experiencing
I have heard from people opinions I respect a lot and @st0wandgrow has grown a few high CBD strains and he said he has noticed they don't like the soil mediums. All grew better hydro he can tell you better tho but I think that's what you may be experiencing

I'll see if I can find a few of his grows, thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I'll try a few different mediums this time, maybe something a little more inert will give them a better chance.
I'll see if I can find a few of his grows, thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I'll try a few different mediums this time, maybe something a little more inert will give them a better chance.

Yes, I have found the high cbd strains to be a tad finicky. I have grown Cannatonic 4, the HP cut, Valentinex, and Critical Mass from the CBD Crew. I grow in an organically amended soil, and I use lots of worm poop. All of my plants did well in this medium except the high cbd strains. I scratched my head over this for a while. I then bought a DWC setup and tried one of them in there. It was like a different plant. It just exploded with growth. From this I concluded that maybe these strains prefer a lighter, more porous medium that allows more oxygen to the root zone... so I started cutting my soil mix with more aeration bits like perlite. That seemed to be the answer. I haven't had an issue with any high cbd strain since making this adjustment.

Good luck with your seeds. I know Sin City has some great gear, so I'm sure you'll find something that you like. The cbd is very medicinal, and treats a wide range of ailments from auto immune diseases (arthritis, IBS, crones, etc), any type of disease that involves seizures, sore back, etc.
There isn't any drop it already happened back on the 11th at thedankteam and oregoneliteseeds. Attitude should have some stuff in a couple weeks but they said they would let us know about the drip never did. Very busy tho and like I been saying they been selling lots of the gear at the cups and festivals so that's where the online folks like us who can't make them miss them. Hopefully something soon everyone is pressing over there so hopefully Sin sees how much people want a drop of originals.
Thanks James. I could have sworn sin said He will be releasing some originals on 4/20 at 12 am at the dank team. Well I wasted about 45 minutes of my life of pressing the refresh button for sinmint well time to pop my dungeons vault grandpas breath soon....

He did say he was gonna have a 4/20 drop which he did but it was early and everything wasn't restocked. Never said a time tho lol it's all good tho should be some fire in those DVG beans. Look forward to seeing you run them. I have some Grand OG I will run eventually