Expose to light?!?

So i dug the seeds up a bit (didn't pull them out just dug till i could see the seed shell) and the seed-shell fell of, now ther are all little white balls/leafs.Should i leave them exposed to light or should i cover them again?(two if them are kind of bent to the side so i thought light might make them straight again) please help.
First mistake was not leaving them alone, second mistake is messing with them still. It dont need your help so leave it alone! :-)
Next time plant the seed and dont do anything, youll get plenty of info in newbie and plant problem forums, good luck new grower :-)
Fyi my way is to soak seeds in a cup of tapwater for 12 hours then plant just under a centimeter in soil depth and leave it well alone for 5 days. By then it should have broken the soil.

Some come up with the seed shell still on but as the leaves expand they push it off. The fact that you see the shell is merely because its pushing upwards as it germinates, the roots are growing down to provide support.

Dont do a single thing, mother nature can do all this without our help. Now go grow dude :-)