Anyone want to take a crack at this leaf problem?


Well-Known Member
Autos are notoriously light feeders, while a photo plant may be fine in happy frog, it appears to be a little too hot for your auto, perhaps repot(I know it's a big no no for autos, but it shouldn't stunt it anymore than it already is) cutting with some pearlite? Maybe a little light warrior? Just my guess, I don't run soil, just reading a lot about it lately


Well-Known Member
Autos are notoriously light feeders, while a photo plant may be fine in happy frog, it appears to be a little too hot for your auto, perhaps repot(I know it's a big no no for autos, but it shouldn't stunt it anymore than it already is) cutting with some pearlite? Maybe a little light warrior? Just my guess, I don't run soil, just reading a lot about it lately
Since it's only affecting this strain I'm thinking you may be right. I'm gonna check my soil pH too.
You think using more coco would work the same as adding perlite or the light warrior?


Well-Known Member
That I'm not sure of, I grow in coco and pearlite only so my experience with coco is that it's a hydro medium and works best for me with daily waterings and feed, being a hydro medium you feed the plant roots directly, my limited understanding of soil is that you are in esscence feeding the soil, which in turn feeds your roots? Not sure how they work together, haven't really watched any grows that were using the combo that I'm aware of, but I will be watching for a few now lol


Well-Known Member
honestly i think it needs to be fed some bloom and cal/mag ..... reasoning behind this is the coco leaches calcium and either P or K cant remember ..... and its either P or K that a def looks almost like a nitro burn .... also 3 weeks in.... the small amount of lime in the warrior is probably spent so PH maybe bouncing around ...... i use a soil blend but i try to keep my water around 5.5-6 ph since even though there is soil there its spent so might as well treat it like soil less
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Well-Known Member
just noticed you said happy frog ...... for some reason thought warrior mix ..... if the problem just started then i would have to try feed or ph adjustment ..... usually by 2-3 weeks im already feeding so its a tough call bro

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
honestly i think it needs to be fed some bloom and cal/mag ..... reasoning behind this is the coco leaches calcium and either P or K cant remember ..... and its either P or K that a def looks almost like a nitro burn .... also 3 weeks in.... the small amount of lime in the warrior is probably spent so PH maybe bouncing around ...... i use a soil blend but i try to keep my water around 5.5-6 ph since even though there is soil there its spent so might as well treat it like soil less
Why the DC9? Are you a Columbiner?


Well-Known Member
Why the DC9? Are you a Columbiner?
;D intratec DC-9 ...... it was all over the news when i was making a hotmail account like 100 years ago .... it was during the time you could have a trial version of AOL for a month or what ever ..... you just needed a fresh email to do it over so i burned through some screen names


Well-Known Member
just noticed you said happy frog ...... for some reason thought warrior mix ..... if the problem just started then i would have to try feed or ph adjustment ..... usually by 2-3 weeks im already feeding so its a tough call bro
you use happy frog and feed at 2 weeks?
I'm definitely leaning towards a slight burn from the Happy Frog being a little too hot as previously mentioned. All the new growth looks great and healthy


Well-Known Member
I was thinking wind burn when I saw those leaves. Why so many fans on such young plants? Do you have an exhaust on the tent?
They're for all my plants ☺
I have a 4x8 tent housing 18-24 plants at any given time. I do a Perpetual grow and I plant three of four plants every two weeks
Yes I have an exhaust fan.


Well-Known Member
you use happy frog and feed at 2 weeks?
I'm definitely leaning towards a slight burn from the Happy Frog being a little too hot as previously mentioned. All the new growth looks great and healthy
i use miracle grow organic choice ( no time release) that i add miracle grow perlite to ( which is not inert) and mix it with coco about half and half roughly its a fairly hot mix ..... last grow i fed at around the 3rd week ..... im using AN sensi bloom ph perfect so the first i fed at around 1/2 str then i realized that even at full str they loved it so next go im feeding at week 2 full str on top of whatever the soil has in it
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Well-Known Member
last round was berry and they tend to be light feeders but had no issues with the an bloom feed at full str ...... I just figured if it was the soil being too hot it would of shown sooner