Early flowering problems?

So i jumped the gun and bought clones too early. I know now they need to be put out june.

Now that im already seeing pistils what can i do? I was going to put them under a bright cfl bulb for a couple more hours at night to try and confuse them, but i dont want hermies. Im not sure whether i should let them run their course and reveg on their own?

What do you guys think is the best action to take if i dont want hermies?? Any advice is appreciated


Well-Known Member
You need outdoor expertise so make sure you feel free to post in that section, new or not that's where you ask.. The only way they wil hermie is if you don't pick a course and stick to it. Either add a light out there to get daylight hours extended to 16 hours, my choice or let it reveg. Personally I think reveg takes time so I'd get her started now so you can grow little trees. Light hours are swinging longer already so it won't be long. (My outdoor experience is limited, extremely limited)

If this makes your grow obvious f that. Stealth is important legal or not.
You need outdoor expertise so make sure you feel free to post in that section, new or not that's where you ask.. The only way they wil hermie is if you don't pick a course and stick to it. Either add a light out there to get daylight hours extended to 16 hours, my choice or let it reveg. Personally I think reveg takes time so I'd get her started now so you can grow little trees. Light hours are swinging longer already so it won't be long. (My outdoor experience is limited, extremely limited)

If this makes your grow obvious f that. Stealth is important legal or not.
Ill be sure to throw it in the outdoor section next time. Do you think surrounding them around a 150w cfl lamp will do the trick and convince the plants its daylight?


Well-Known Member
As long as you keep any light at all on them, even a 60w CFL, for at least 14-15 hours a day they'll stay in veg. The less light you use will keep them small as well until ready to take outdoor. I usually start mine indoor for at least a month before they go outdoors.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
I had a super lemon haze reveg outside, then bud a few months later. The plant had already been lollipopped so it developed a super thick canopy. No big colas; just lots and lots of popcorn. Took forever to trim.
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As long as you keep any light at all on them, even a 60w CFL, for at least 14-15 hours a day they'll stay in veg. The less light you use will keep them small as well until ready to take outdoor. I usually start mine indoor for at least a month before they go outdoors.
My whole idea is to keep them outdoors and movr them inside and supplement a 40 w (150 w equivalent) bulb for 2-3+ hours to make a full 14-15 hours? Im wondering if the light given off by one bulb is enough to keep them in veg?


Well-Known Member
Yes it will be. As long as any light hits them they're good. But if you're seeing pistils then it's transitioning. If it's from age no biggie, but if you'd hadn't been supplementing light to this point then they have flipped and now need revegged