Kief Maddness


Well-Known Member
Is it just me or is anyone else tempted to scrap pollen off your car window cause it looks so much like lovely kief?

Really 13 views and you are all too medicated to reply in kind and identify with this or am I am the only one that sees pollen on my car from trees and shrubs...

I hear you, man!
Thanks man, then the moment I realize it's not beloved kief as I am contemplating finding my wallet to pull out my credit card to start scraping it up my allergies kick in and my sneezing fit begins..though quickly brought out of my kief day dreams I smile and remember I'm not allergic to kief and I've got enough to last through any potential natural or man made disasters. ...

I'm pretty sure that's why we grow meds for our Sinusitus. A discombobulation of the immune system for which there is no known cure.