24 hour light vs. 18/6.

The only reason a pot plant needs darkness is to bud. 18/6 and 24/0 will not bud the plant, unless it's an auto. With some strains however there is a possibility of preflower with 18/6 on the moms and I wouldn't want someones nice mother going awry so I have no choice but to say 24/0 on the moms. Pot plants can live for decades under 24/0 but their lifespans become limited when darkness is introduced.
Anything OVER 13 hours a day will keep it in veg.
I'm currently growing a plant indoors with sunshine and it goes in the dark room for under 11 hours per day, so over 13 hours of light and it remains in the flower mode.
Whats this bidniss about more root growth with a non 24-0 vegetative growth photo period? I ususally run 18-6 especially with seed plants in my veg but rite now i got a bunch of new rooted cuts iam trying to get nice and big faster. 24 on does make for quicker vegged clones....no doubt in that. I do notice this....after about 18 or 20 hoirs or so the young plants do not show positive phototropism anymore. That is clear and plain to see.
Well you are wrong...C3 plants don't NEED darkness....they have merely adapted to cope with it.Again it's FACT that C3 plant don't NEED a dark period and that plants never,ever "sleep".Modern day botany...science... not your bullshit reasoning.

Try reading a book someday.

The need to include a dark period in the grow regimen is more ceremonial and ritualistic for some. Others attribute human characteristics to Cannabis plants, and speak as if the plants have rights and emotions. Some folks are over zealous about the whole nature thing and they have all these dogmas from antiquity and Tips and tricks from Joe Grow down the street . They think man cannot improve or enhance nature.

I see people come to my store and pay $1.99 for the same size salt at $0 .59 because one said All Natural Sea Salt. Both chemical Symbol/composition NaCl, and as indistinguishable as Identical strains of DNA.

I've heard people talk of gluten as if it were unhealthy. I've heard people say Miracle Grow all purpose plant food, NPK 24-8-16 bad for cannabis veg the list goes on.
The need to include a dark period in the grow regimen is more ceremonial and ritualistic for some. Others attribute human characteristics to Cannabis plants, and speak as if the plants have rights and emotions. Some folks are over zealous about the whole nature thing and they have all these dogmas from antiquity and Tips and tricks from Joe Grow down the street . They think man cannot improve or enhance nature.

I see people come to my store and pay $1.99 for the same size salt at $0 .59 because one said All Natural Sea Salt. Both chemical Symbol/composition NaCl, and as indistinguishable as Identical strains of DNA.

I've heard people talk of gluten as if it were unhealthy. I've heard people say Miracle Grow all purpose plant food, NPK 24-8-16 bad for cannabis veg the list goes on.

Yes it's ridiculous...plants don't have emotions,they don't sleep...they aren't people.They are biological machines,nothing more,nothing less.And like machines they can be optimized and tuned for greater performance.If people want their machines to run on 7 cylinders...well then,I guess it's on them.
The need to include a dark period in the grow regimen is more ceremonial and ritualistic for some. Others attribute human characteristics to Cannabis plants, and speak as if the plants have rights and emotions. Some folks are over zealous about the whole nature thing and they have all these dogmas from antiquity and Tips and tricks from Joe Grow down the street . They think man cannot improve or enhance nature.

I see people come to my store and pay $1.99 for the same size salt at $0 .59 because one said All Natural Sea Salt. Both chemical Symbol/composition NaCl, and as indistinguishable as Identical strains of DNA.

I've heard people talk of gluten as if it were unhealthy. I've heard people say Miracle Grow all purpose plant food, NPK 24-8-16 bad for cannabis veg the list goes on.
Thats not just in the growing community either. Labeling and marketing. ...people do weird shit with their wallet. Even when the truth is plain to see....people will give up that cash if you present something rite
replicate the best most consistent perfect indoor artificial environment you can. Fuck outdoors. The two in my experience are totally different. Like comparing an acoustic to an electric guitar. Not the same.....at all.
As much as i dont like to say it....indoor weed is TOTALLY different than outdoor. I do both..
religiously. They are leagues apart.
Hey everyone. I've made my way through the various stages of research for my first indoor grow. However, I've seen that some people veg under 24 hour light and some under 18/6. Recently I spoke with a person from Cali who has published work in the Cannabible. He said that no MJ plant, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, should ever be given 24 hour light. "It's only wasting electricity."

Is this true? Thanks in advance.
i plant my seeds in half cup of ocean forest,keep in 24 hr light,when i get to the third node,the cups go into 12/12 for 10 to 14 days and show sex,i dont waste time on males,unless i want to breed something special,once they show sex ,they go under 18/6 till flower time,by running 24 hr light schedule the plants are in a rush to get done ,thinking winter is near,promting hormones to act,so no its isnt wasted electricity and very effective for sexing
What hormones are "acting" with 24hour light thinking winter is near? Not to be a dick but what are you saying? There is so much bullshit and bro science with cannabis. And behind all of it is real science. Not just what a grower "thinks" is going on. Thats how religions get started.
What hormones are "acting" with 24hour light thinking winter is near? Not to be a dick but what are you saying? There is so much bullshit and bro science with cannabis. And behind all of it is real science. Not just what a grower "thinks" is going on. Thats how religions get started.
ok ,if i start my seeds in 24 hrs of light ,in solo cups half full of ocean forest,i bottom feed water only till they get third set of nodes,usally about 2 weeks,in 2 week time the roots are already at bottom of cup and stems begins to thicken,when the roots hit bottom they are just like kids and got the world in there hands and are fooled into thinking they growd,puberty like stage,flip into 12/12 light and bamm they are like wtf,hormones adjust to flower,they show sex and continue into flower,after sexing ,you are fucking with the hormones again by throwing them back to veg,veg them as long as you want and you should no how high you want them to grow and invision them growing twice as big in the flower room,me i usally go 6 weeks or 16inches max height and i flip them,works great give it a try and you will see what im talking about,i think the whole key behind this method is the half cup of ocean forest medium,ive done this in both soil and coco,yep ocean forest transplanted into coco and great runs. hope i explained that a little better,same concept go for breeding ,if you dust that female with the male ,takes no time for her to take and make you some fire,but you are still messing with the hormones ,just threw transaction of producing seeds with the energy going into making them,you can still get a buzz after harvesting beans,but the smoke is no were near the same value of the pheno as far as taste and buzz,if you dig me,all in all im jacking with the hormones to speed up the process of getting any males out of my veg room,unless it is a proper stud
What hormones are "acting" with 24hour light thinking winter is near? Not to be a dick but what are you saying? There is so much bullshit and bro science with cannabis. And behind all of it is real science. Not just what a grower "thinks" is going on. Thats how religions get started.

Spot on, There are no such hormones, Too much bro science in the commun8ty.
Spot on, There are no such hormones, Too much bro science in the commun8ty.
ya okay keep that thought as i harvest 2 to your 1 just from sexing early,and culling males,dont have a clue to science,its a weed dude,tinker around with them for a bit longer and give me a holler back,you should at least try it before you make your decision,no science to soil and organics,you can feed anything just about,but we need all opinions to make things better,you got yours and me mine,if you read everything i wrote ,i just cant understand how you wouldnt think,there isnt a hormone balance,might just be saying it wrong,like i said no science in my closet just excitment,especially creating new strains,give it a try,then decide
Cannabis produces a number of hormones. All with specific jobs. And we can "steer" the plant by providing our own and applying more or less of certain ones. Greenhouse growers have been doing this for years on all kinds of crops. Cannabis produces ones that trigger flowering by a buildup of a certain hormone that responds to long dark cycles. Ones that produce or intiates roots. Ones that trigger branching. Even ones that trigger flower ripening (or delaying it). Learn which ones do what...and apply them on top of what the plants produce themselves and you can make sativas grow more like indicas and vice versa.
Plants produce hormones. No doubting that. I just wanted to know what exactly you were talking about.
well the half a solo cup of soil is the key i think,when i did what i said before,by the time sexing was done ,when i was transplanting there was hardly any soil at all left in the cup,it had grown such a huge root ball it was lifting it up to almost the top of cup,with that result it proved effective as far as not wasting time and electricity growing males,when i transplant males its because they just look like prime canadits,hey the males got to get some too in this game right. it was 2 weeks into veg when they went into flower and then back to veg10 days later ,they were on 3rd set leaves,and sexed,went 3 more weeks and they went into flower at 14 inches tall. before i would grow some awesome plants and flip the bitches to find boys in there too,so this way im not wasting time.
next time you pop a seed try it it might just sway you to other ways ,like it did me,even if science proved diffrent,i will still go this route,the seedling stage is boring enough,you dig