Thanks Cutter

pics or it didn't happen.

I just like looking at cobs, I kind of want to eat them for some reason.
I would like to know when new kits will be available..

sorry for the insistence :mrgreen:
no worries, have 1000 heatsinks shipping on May 12, couple of days after that we will be shipping, we are happy to accept a backorder and will ship on FIFO basis, thanks again for your interest
no worries, have 1000 heatsinks shipping on May 12, couple of days after that we will be shipping, we are happy to accept a backorder and will ship on FIFO basis, thanks again for your interest
When can we preorder new bins for the cxb3590
Thank you is there a way to be notified or do you have an ETA? I'm looking for 12 of them if the price is right but with shipping to the US, feel free to PM me if necessary.

HI Evil-Mobo
2 solutions, you can backorder now, but if you dont want your money tied up for 3 weeks, I can notify you as soon as they ship and you can order then