The UK Growers Thread!

Was literally just 2 pints in between running bits about lol, but yeah good beer,nice quiet pub etc, hows it going with you n your firewater? lol
lol im into the research stage its hundred times easier than growing grade, drinking a fair bit of scotch ffs can never hope to compete, so its all about purifying the shit to sweet ethanol imo
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pliers after vods, I need to pull one out myself

thinking that meself Z thats all the fucking dentist gonna do... minus the vods and i hate them numbing injections aint the the needles that dont bother me but that numbing n carnt feel ya face shit does me nut in, vod,coke n pliers me thinks lol
thinking that meself Z thats all the fucking dentist gonna do... minus the vods and i hate them numbing injections aint the the needles that dont bother me but that numbing n carnt feel ya face shit does me nut in, vod,coke n pliers me thinks lol
I cant go to em, but I need to, fukkers, keep putting it off
I rang emergency me I couldn't bare it no longer lol from call to tooth out was about 50 min they dont fk around in that emergency dept lol
My half brother cut his tooth out when he was younger with a scalpel pliers and benzocaine and it got infected and was a fkn mess lmao he lost 6 teeth cause of the infection the silly twat
I rang emergency me I couldn't bare it no longer lol from call to tooth out was about 50 min they dont fk around in that emergency dept lol
My half brother cut his tooth out when he was younger with a scalpel pliers and benzocaine and it got infected and was a fkn mess lmao he lost 6 teeth cause of the infection the silly twat

lol fucking el makka thats abit rough mate, dunno bout cutting it out with a scalpal?!? theres a emergency dentist at the hosp up here but they useless, was different in london tho was much the same was up there quicktime and they had it out quick but made ya sign some form incase they fucked it up lol think they trainee dentist or something was at a major london hosp tho.

if its still giving me ag 2mora might give the emergency a go but pretty shore it aint infected yet!
Haha that's my step bro 4 ya he was fkd lol he 42 now and no teeth all false lol he went through a lot of ag with them tho all his life he did brush to but ate nowt but toffees and drink tea wi bare sugar in
Aye I'd get mi self up hozi like ya said enough to string up if u don't get it sorted that shit