Just in case you thought Israel was a nice country, just misunderstood

Yeah, Israel is fucked up they beat down protestors and all steal land. Not all Jews are bad though many want to be able to live along side of the Palestinians and are against war just so happens they have a Donald Trump like president still better than Hillary though. :)
Yeah, Israel is fucked up they beat down protestors and all steal land. Not all Jews are bad though many want to be able to live along side of the Palestinians and are against war just so happens they have a Donald Trump like president still better than Hillary though. :)

Because it does need to be said, there is indeed a huge difference between the attitudes of individual people of Jewish faith and the apartheid, even genocidal activities of the Jewish State- the one the United States gives billions of dollars to every year in blatant support of one of the worst human rights records in the world, and certainly amongst the developed nations.

The excuse that we do it to promote peace is laughable in the face of footage showing American built Apache helicopter gunships, wearing the Star of Israeli military, attacking civilian neighborhoods with rockets and armor piercing cannon fire.
I always have a knife should I be detained??

If as a Palestinian you were dumb enough to be armed with a knife and get caught by Israeli forces, you'd be abused in jail, held for months or years without trial, tried without a defense, and then imprisoned for years or decades. And that's IF you weren't simply shot on the spot.

Every taxpayer in America is supporting this outrage. Including you.
Because it does need to be said, there is indeed a huge difference between the attitudes of individual people of Jewish faith and the apartheid, even genocidal activities of the Jewish State- the one the United States gives billions of dollars to every year in blatant support of one of the worst human rights records in the world, and certainly amongst the developed nations.

The excuse that we do it to promote peace is laughable in the face of footage showing American built Apache helicopter gunships, wearing the Star of Israeli military, attacking civilian neighborhoods with rockets and armor piercing cannon fire.
Yeah, we damn sure shouldn't be giving them any money the government is a joke. We even back Saudi Arabia which is no better than Iran actually I think it might be worse.

We definitely don't have the best allies it seems more like who will make us more money and Jews and Saudis have a whole lot of fucking money Jews more so the bankers. Also the British I believe are the ones who created Israel when clearly the Native Jews converted to Islam not given much of a choice but that was around year 600. So we would really need the British and EU to go along with it and that's not going to happen with this second cold war and on the edge of WW3. I just seen on CNN last week Russia is moving a bunch of nuclear capable subs into the Atlantic. They probably won't launch but there is a chance thankfully I'm a good 60+ miles away from Boston. Lol
Doesn't Bernie want to send USA's thugs, bombs and terror tactics on women and children to help out the Israeli thugs?
I don't believe so but it is a good place to be fighting the bullshit war on terror from even though terrorists literally kill less westerners than bee stings.lol, Thanks Obama without a meaningless war what would we ever do? :)
Yeah, we damn sure shouldn't be giving them any money the government is a joke. We even back Saudi Arabia which is no better than Iran actually I think it might be worse.

We definitely don't have the best allies it seems more like who will make us more money and Jews and Saudis have a whole lot of fucking money Jews more so the bankers. Also the British I believe are the ones who created Israel when clearly the Native Jews converted to Islam not given much of a choice but that was around year 600. So we would really need the British and EU to go along with it and that's not going to happen with this second cold war and on the edge of WW3. I just seen on CNN last week Russia is moving a bunch of nuclear capable subs into the Atlantic. They probably won't launch but there is a chance thankfully I'm a good 60+ miles away from Boston. Lol
Iran isn't that bad of a country, American media does a great job making us think they are. Saudi Arabia, our number 1 Middle East ally, has more state sanction, religious based beheadings, in full public view, than ISIS. But that's ok...

Israel's story of creation is an interesting one, was supposed to be in Argentina, there was a group of Jews, I forget the organizations name at the moment, who wanted it where it is now, they had connections in the US. They got Britain to agree to give them the land they have now if they got America involved in the war. You know what happened. That's highly paraphrased. .

I've said for years our ties to Isreal is our #1 security problem. You don't put a cat in a dog kennel, then punish the dogs for being dogs.
The excuse that we do it to promote peace is laughable in the face of footage showing American built Apache helicopter gunships, wearing the Star of Israeli military, attacking civilian neighborhoods with rockets and armor piercing cannon fire.

I just want to point out that Boeing makes and sells the Apache not the American Government. So when you see a Apache with the Star of David on it you can be sure that it was purchased from the Boeing company.
A twelve year old girl? Seriously?

Yeah, she could just as easily stab someone as an adult could. Fuck why not just let 6 year olds run around with bombs and guns, what could possibly happen??

You live a safe priviledged life with no concept of the real world and dangers faced by Israel every day.
I just want to point out that Boeing makes and sells the Apache not the American Government. So when you see a Apache with the Star of David on it you can be sure that it was purchased from the Boeing company.
Yes. But it is all tied together. The money usa gives to isreal has strings attached. To ensure usa defence contractors get it
Strings that allow us to influence their foreign policy as well.

Not that it is a good thing but the money gives us influence.
Zealous groups populated by fanatics are bad news for any region.

We'd be slaughtering gay people in the street if the extreme religious right in the US had the amount of power the religious due in other countries. It's sickening anyone can look at another human being and deem them unworthy of life due to personal opinion and belief.

The sad thing is these groups do have well meaning and somewhat educated individuals in them. The dogma and peer pressure are too intense, what are you going to do? Join us or die. Some would say death is an easy choice but some know not of which they speak til faced with such a decision.

Religion is a poison on this world and until it's reeled back into the home where it belongs and NOT in the public eye can we move forward.
Yeah, she could just as easily stab someone as an adult could. Fuck why not just let 6 year olds run around with bombs and guns, what could possibly happen??

You live a safe priviledged life with no concept of the real world and dangers faced by Israel every day.
So not even an adult should be able to have a knife??

I thought you were a Republican? Too bad you sound like a far left Democunt.
I don't believe so but it is a good place to be fighting the bullshit war on terror from even though terrorists literally kill less westerners than bee stings.lol, Thanks Obama without a meaningless war what would we ever do? :)

This policy is a lot older than Mr Obama's term.

Maybe you're too young to remember Reagan's 600 ship navy.