"I'm not going to vote for Sanders because he's too progressive!"
I would love to hear a Clinton supporter say that
In that scenario, their opposition to Sanders wouldn't be based on reason, it would be based in either spite since Clinton didn't win or having actual conservative political opinions that are closer to Trump, whereas Sanders supporters who choose not to vote for Clinton are doing it because as progressives, they do not feel like she represents progressive political ideals. So in other words, it wouldn't make very much sense - logically speaking - for Clinton supporters who say they're progressives to write her name in or vote Trump, it makes perfect sense for Sanders supporters to sit this one out unless you live in a swing state since she doesn't represent them
You just said he doesn't even know how to break up the banks based on that bullshit Washington Post article that the mainstream media took out of context, you're denigrating his policy positions to make his supporters look uninformed which was exactly the point of pushing that false narrative in the first place. You stopping just short of calling schuy a retard for screwing up her voting registration that disqualified her from voting for Sanders when the exact same thing happened to hundreds of thousands of voters in Arizona and New York and you're calling people babies for not bending over backwards for Clinton just because she's the likely democratic nominee..
Yeah man, you are shitting on them, and I can tell you this, that sure as hell won't change anybody's mind, so maybe think about that