EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

I'm not buying the Supreme Court Justice line, That numbnuts Bush had the court in his favor and still couldn't make much of a difference..Abortion is never getting overturned, Alcohol prohibition has a better chance at getting reinstituted.. All these justices are pretty centrist and useless.
spoken like a true low info voter
Who's more likely to stop them? The person in bed with them or the guy who refuses their money and is campaigning to get $ out of elections and break up the big banks?

They just wish they were big bankers so they could bribe politicians, too!

Morally, ethically, legally bankrupt; the REAL face of the modern Republican party. And their backers, constituents and apologists.
I'm not the one not understanding how important it is to have a left leaning SCOTUS.
Too bad Hillary leans right only left thing about her is guns which forces me to vote Trump unless that green party shit has a chance and I actually see what they are about.