Just in case you thought Israel was a nice country, just misunderstood

1st vote it was denied. 2nd vote it was passed because the US told all the members if you want economic aid after WW2, you better give us this. Fact.

I would be happy to exchange my belief of the UN adopting Resolution 181, if you could kindly site your fact in some published reputable literature.
We won that war? You can't be serious! Why then did we barely get the last of our people out of Saigon just as the NVA was taking control of the city? :roll:

I guess those guys going "Jesus, we've lost the Capitol, RUN!" is a sure sign to you that we won the war.


Have you ever heard of the Paris Peace Accord? It was attended by North Vietnam only because we were winning. (As admitted to by North Vietnam)

Do you remember President Ford practically begging the Democrats controlling both houses to stop the defunding of our written commitment to South Vietnam via that agreement? They didn't stop. Our allies were once again abandoned and slaughtered by Democrat decision makers.

You don't know shit.
We won that war? You can't be serious! Why then did we barely get the last of our people out of Saigon just as the NVA was taking control of the city? :roll:

I guess those guys going "Jesus, we've lost the Capitol, RUN!" is a sure sign to you that we won the war.


Didn't you see McNamara standing on a carrier deck, proclaiming victory, even as flight deck crews are tossing Hueys into the area because they couldn't store them all onboard?

Have you ever heard of the Paris Peace Accord? It was attended by North Vietnam only because we were winning. (As admitted to by North Vietnam)

Do you remember President Ford practically begging the Democrats controlling both houses to stop the defunding of our written commitment to South Vietnam via that agreement? They didn't stop. Our allies were once again abandoned and slaughtered by Democrat decision makers.

You don't know shit.

does your revisionist history end here? or do you have other cool theories too? like possibly the pyramids being used for grain storage?
It was the US that forced the members of the Security Council to support the creation of Israel. 1st vote it was denied. 2nd vote it was passed because the US told all the members if you want economic aid after WW2, you better give us this. Fact.

And Jewish 'activists' and 'settlers' were armed and given a free pass to attack, drive off and even kill anyone on the land they wanted. This is still going on, as witness the maps drawn and redrawn over the last half century.

The simple fact is that the Jewish State took on some of the nastiest aspects of the very holocaust they hid behind whenever called to account for their crimes against humanity.
It has already been determined that you are an imbecile so please keep your comments to yourself. No sense in continuing to embarass your family.


allow me to break down your statement into its parts.

1) i am an imbecile
2) i should keep my comments to myself
3) i embarass [SIC] my family

allow me to retort those parts.

retort 1) demonstrably false.
retort 2) true much of the time. but irrelevant in this case.
retort 3) demonstrably false. you should see my family.

now allow me to pose three* questions (not insults) to you.

question 1) how tiny is your penis?
question 2) what is the best thing about revising historical facts?
question 3) are you mentally retarded?
question 4)** i really mean it. are you?

thank you in advance for your continued adherence to reality.

*actually four questions
** not really a question as much as a confirmation
The simple fact is that the Jewish State took on some of the nastiest aspects of the very holocaust they hid behind whenever called to account for their crimes against humanity.
What does this mean? Im a behind on this politic stuff. Was just wonder what this meant.
But your saying the jews are great people right?

I have nothing against those of Jewish faith and as far as the peaceful practice of their religion goes, I fully support their right to worship who and how they like, so long as no one's civil rights are violated- exactly how I view most other religions. For the record, I have and continue to enjoy close friendships with many people of Jewish faith and heritage. And bagels n lox and kapers are a favorite treat!

Surprisingly most Israeli citizens, the overwhelming majority of them Jewish, do not like or support what the self proclaimed Jewish State is doing in their name. Even they agree their State is in direct and continual violation of many applicable sections of human rights under international law- and they want it stopped, forthwith!

In fact, Jewish Israeli protesters against their own military's aggression have quite literally been run over by armored bulldozers. It is clear the State is bent on a mission of genocide, territory occupation and annexation and will let nothing and no one stop it, not even its own citizens.

They've turned every Palestinian enclave into the very same kind of ghetto their forefathers suffered in while under Nazi rule. The parallels are so staggeringly obvious it takes an effort of will to even consider the idea that some people think they haven't gone far enough?!
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I have nothing against those of Jewish faith and as far as the peaceful practice of their religion goes, I fully support their right to worship who and how they like, so long as no one's civil rights are violated- exactly how I view most other religions. For the record, I have and continue to enjoy close friendships with many people of Jewish faith and heritage. And bagels n lox and kapers are a favorite treat!

Surprisingly most Israeli citizens, the overwhelming majority of them Jewish, do not like or support what the self proclaimed Jewish State is doing in their name. Even they agree their State is in direct and continual violation of many applicable sections of human rights under international law- and they want it stopped, forthwith!

In fact, Jewish Israeli protesters against their own military's aggression have quite literally been run over by armored bulldozers. It is clear the State is bent on a mission of genocide, territory occupation and annexation and will let nothing and no one stop it, not even its own citizens.

They've turned every Palestinian enclave into the very same kind of ghetto their forefathers suffered in while under Nazi rule. The parallels are so staggeringly obvious it takes an effort of will to even accept the idea that some people think they haven't gone far enough?!
Don't all places live like that?
Whoa. Time for you to do some studying if you think that the ghettos I'm making clear and specific reference to are in any way normal, acceptable or reasonable ways to treat people.
Lol. The misinformed bonehead telling others to bone up. Lets try to limit our sources to Al Jazeera while we are at it. So, tyys*ck, when did you start hating the Jews?
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I would be happy to exchange my belief of the UN adopting Resolution 181, if you could kindly site your fact in some published reputable literature.
This is from Wikipedia, and although it is rather long, it supports the fact that the US bribed countries to support the establishment of Israel, and the Jews bribed Congress by the threat of withholding support in the coming elections. For such a small group to have so much power, it is really shocking, and the sad thing is that it continues to this day.

Reports of pressure for the Plan[edit]
Zionists launched an intense White House lobby to have the UNSCOP plan endorsed, and the effects were not trivial.[68] The Democratic Party, a large part of whose contributions came from Jews,[69] informed Truman that failure to live up to promises to support the Jews in Palestine would constitute a danger to the party. The defection of Jewish votes in congressional elections in 1946 had contributed to electoral losses. Truman was, according to Roger Cohen, embittered by feelings of being a hostage to the lobby and its 'unwarranted interference', which he blamed for the contemporary impasse. When a formal American declaration in favour of partition was given on 11 October, a public relations authority declared to the Zionist Emergency Council in a closed meeting:'under no circumstances should any of us believe or think we had won because of the devotion of the American Government to our cause. We had won because of the sheer pressure of political logistics that was applied by the Jewish leadership in the United States'. State Department advice critical of the controversial UNSCOP recommendation to give the overwhelmingly Arab town of Jaffa, and the Negev, to the Jews was overturned by an urgent and secret late meeting organized for Chaim Weizman with Truman, which immediately countermanded the recommendation. The United States initially refrained from pressuring smaller states to vote either way, but Robert A. Lovett reported that America's U.N. delegation's case suffered impediments from high pressure by Jewish groups, and that indications existed that bribes and threats were being used, even of American sanctions against Liberia and Nicaragua.[70]When the UNSCOP plan failed to achieve the necessary majority on 25 November, the lobby 'moved into high gear' and induced the President to overrule the State Department, and let wavering governments know that the U.S. strongly desired partition.[71]

Proponents of the Plan reportedly put pressure on nations to vote yes to the Partition Plan. A telegram signed by 26 US senators with influence on foreign aid bills was sent to wavering countries, seeking their support for the partition plan.[72] The US Senate was considering a large aid package at the time, including 60 million dollars to China.[73][74] Many nations reported pressure directed specifically at them.

So, you see Israel was not exactly founded on it being the right thing to do, actually it was based on threats and deceit, and the Middle East and the US has been paying for it ever since.
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This is from Wikipedia, and although it is rather long, it supports the fact that the US bribed countries to support the establishment of Israel, and the Jews bribed Congress by the threat of withholding support in the coming elections. For such a small group to have so much power, it is really shocking, and the sad thing is that it continues to this day.

Reports of pressure for the Plan[edit]
Zionists launched an intense White House lobby to have the UNSCOP plan endorsed, and the effects were not trivial.[68] The Democratic Party, a large part of whose contributions came from Jews,[69] informed Truman that failure to live up to promises to support the Jews in Palestine would constitute a danger to the party. The defection of Jewish votes in congressional elections in 1946 had contributed to electoral losses. Truman was, according to Roger Cohen, embittered by feelings of being a hostage to the lobby and its 'unwarranted interference', which he blamed for the contemporary impasse. When a formal American declaration in favour of partition was given on 11 October, a public relations authority declared to the Zionist Emergency Council in a closed meeting:'under no circumstances should any of us believe or think we had won because of the devotion of the American Government to our cause. We had won because of the sheer pressure of political logistics that was applied by the Jewish leadership in the United States'. State Department advice critical of the controversial UNSCOP recommendation to give the overwhelmingly Arab town of Jaffa, and the Negev, to the Jews was overturned by an urgent and secret late meeting organized for Chaim Weizman with Truman, which immediately countermanded the recommendation. The United States initially refrained from pressuring smaller states to vote either way, but Robert A. Lovett reported that America's U.N. delegation's case suffered impediments from high pressure by Jewish groups, and that indications existed that bribes and threats were being used, even of American sanctions against Liberia and Nicaragua.[70]When the UNSCOP plan failed to achieve the necessary majority on 25 November, the lobby 'moved into high gear' and induced the President to overrule the State Department, and let wavering governments know that the U.S. strongly desired partition.[71]

Proponents of the Plan reportedly put pressure on nations to vote yes to the Partition Plan. A telegram signed by 26 US senators with influence on foreign aid bills was sent to wavering countries, seeking their support for the partition plan.[72] The US Senate was considering a large aid package at the time, including 60 million dollars to China.[73][74] Many nations reported pressure directed specifically at them.

So, you see Israel was not exactly founded on it being the right thing to do, actually it was based on threats and deceit, and the Middle East and the US has been paying for it ever since.

Great. An early example of inappropriate and illegal political pressure applied to circumvent democracy and the needs of any other peoples but their own. This explains the attitude of the Jewish State towards America; if they get results when treating us this way, why stop?
As opposed to the violent practice of there religion? why are you assuming the Jews are as violent as Muslim extremists?
What makes Jewish extremists any different than Muslim extremists? Other than their numbers? Or are you purposely trying to compare Jews as a whole to muslin extremists as a part, to pad your argument? Muslims on the whole are no more violent than anyone else, or are you that bigoted?
Reports of pressure for the Plan[edit]

I stopped at "reports" the only reason is a report is not a fact, I made a report last night that I did 11... or is it 12 bong rips before I was abducted by large breasted females from the planet Vaginatron. I may go ti wikipedia and start a page, but not sure I want everyone with half a brain editing my truthful factual Wiki page.