Help Figuring Out Spots On Leaves

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
It is

Great! That my preference in product you say it "simply makes my head spin! I most assuredly,,,DISAGREE" Awesome! Now do share why
It's not that it's YOUR preferred product at all!

there are many way to make synthetic nutrients.....Scott's is one of the worst in my book. Cheap and poor source material to direct synthesis from petro chems!

OK, Ok you nailed me as an organic grower.....Yet I've done about every way, style and type of grow you can think of in my time. I found I liked many and some not. Be that nutrients or types/styles of growing. I went back to 100% organic due to the requests/requirements of my patients, Not to mention the state was for a time looking at going Organic only in shops...

There are synthetic makers that are great! I get asked my 2 favorites regularly.
Hesi and Canna - so don't ask ;-);-)

I have problems with those with stupid amounts of "water bottles" giving you the same shit in several bottles - listed to do differing things and actually you only needed the 1! There is more then one nutrient maker who employ's this "steal" from you profiteering !!!

Like I've said, MG "blue" works! I would run it starting at 1/4 strength, with a Ca/Mg (3ml per gal) and Kelp extract (5ml per gal). Water - feed alternating on an every other day sched. Up adjust s-l-o-w-l-y if need be.
I might be inclined to "tickle" the P&K later in bloom...



Active Member
Mmm, OK.


I like that view

Ph havoc - now where talking when it comes to soils!

Soils are only "excellent" at buffering pH if they contain the "right stuff"......Built soils "organic" are best for that. The bio heard in the soil goes farther then MANY think in maintaining pH...

MG has a penchant for disrupting soil pH, not to mention the "bio heard" in the soil. Flushing or leeching the soil with multiple times the pot size in water will only create an overwatered conditition that swings the pH too low for too long - this can aggravate the condition your attempting to fix.

I like to tell people to not "flush or leech" and to simply water the problem away with simply using straight pH'ed water for 7 - 10 days. Sometimes a Ca/Mg should be used with the "water it out" to help stabilize the pH.....
Good soil is effeminately key. I feel the "organic" hype is not only a personal choice, in many cases it is an unnecessary price hike. When it comes to minerals in solution, the ionic forms (chemical formulae) are identical eg where u get P2O5 from is not very relevant once in ionic form and in the right concentration.The P2O5 from "organic" source does not have a special label on it that makes plants prefer it.

Make water from mercuric oxide and hydrogen or table salt from sodium and chlorine gas you have the same chemical products regardless of source.

I have been labelled abrasive and rude, so I will make it clear and play nice. This my personal choice and it works for me. When "inoculating" a plant with macronutrients I want granular control, and know exactly what Im inoculating with. I found out that most "organic" products come with a host unknowns hence I lose granular control


Active Member
It's not that it's YOUR preferred product at all!

there are many way to make synthetic nutrients.....Scott's is one of the worst in my book. Cheap and poor source material to direct synthesis from petro chems!

OK, Ok you nailed me as an organic grower.....Yet I've done about every way, style and type of grow you can think of in my time. I found I liked many and some not. Be that nutrients or types/styles of growing. I went back to 100% organic due to the requests/requirements of my patients, Not to mention the state was for a time looking at going Organic only in shops...

There are synthetic makers that are great! I get asked my 2 favorites regularly.
Hesi and Canna - so don't ask ;-);-)

I have problems with those with stupid amounts of "water bottles" giving you the same shit in several bottles - listed to do differing things and actually you only needed the 1! There is more then one nutrient maker who employ's this "steal" from you profiteering !!!

Like I've said, MG "blue" works! I would run it starting at 1/4 strength, with a Ca/Mg (3ml per gal) and Kelp extract (5ml per gal). Water - feed alternating on an every other day sched. Up adjust s-l-o-w-l-y if need be.
I might be inclined to "tickle" the P&K later in bloom...

We are saying the exact same thing

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Good soil is effeminately key. I feel the "organic" hype is not only a personal choice, in many cases it is an unnecessary price hike. When it comes to minerals in solution, the ionic forms (chemical formulae) are identical eg where u get P2O5 from is not very relevant once in ionic form and in the right concentration.The P2O5 from "organic" source does not have a special label on it that makes plants prefer it.

Make water from mercuric oxide and hydrogen or table salt from sodium and chlorine gas you have the same chemical products regardless of source.

I have been labelled abrasive and rude, so I will make it clear and play nice. This my personal choice and it works for me. When "inoculating" a plant with macronutrients I want granular control, and know exactly what Im inoculating with. I found out that most "organic" products come with a host unknowns hence I lose granular control
I too can be abrasive and rude - lol.....I think we're conversing just fine!

GOOD soil = Key !! Can't say that any better!

I surely understand your point on "granular control". Maybe it's my years doing this but, I have no problem with any "control" with organics vs. synthetics or their somewhat new ability to be bought in separate Nutrient forms - Interesting possibilities there eh?

I have to just say that I think you're a bit off when saying "price"......I can do lots by simply building a "super soil". In the long run - that's CHEAP....Not to mention I can simply go out into my farms area's and use nature's bounty to "make" my own organic nutrition! The art is in the balancing of these things - same as you do with your synthetic!

The only difference is that synthetics are directly available to the plant, Organics are broken down by the living soil to become available....In the end the plant is up-taking the same molecules...The difference, it seems noticed by many, is that there is a more broadly defined terp profile in organics. It effects taste among other things.. It's being found that potency can be directly related to certain terps....While I'm not shooting for the most potent shit in the world. It still has a deep meaning to growing and cultivating almost anything.....

I don't harbor animosity nor do I intend to offend!
I continue these talks so those not as informed as we, can "see" the variables and draw from these facts on how they would like to grow.

Now I have this urge to go back a see just what I can accomplish with "Old Blue" - lol......


Active Member
I too can be abrasive and rude - lol.....I think we're conversing just fine!

GOOD soil = Key !! Can't say that any better!

I surely understand your point on "granular control". Maybe it's my years doing this but, I have no problem with any "control" with organics vs. synthetics or their somewhat new ability to be bought in separate Nutrient forms - Interesting possibilities there eh?

I have to just say that I think you're a bit off when saying "price"......I can do lots by simply building a "super soil". In the long run - that's CHEAP....Not to mention I can simply go out into my farms area's and use nature's bounty to "make" my own organic nutrition! The art is in the balancing of these things - same as you do with your synthetic!

The only difference is that synthetics are directly available to the plant, Organics are broken down by the living soil to become available....In the end the plant is up-taking the same molecules...The difference, it seems noticed by many, is that there is a more broadly defined terp profile in organics. It effects taste among other things.. It's being found that potency can be directly related to certain terps....While I'm not shooting for the most potent shit in the world. It still has a deep meaning to growing and cultivating almost anything.....

I don't harbor animosity nor do I intend to offend!
I continue these talks so those not as informed as we, can "see" the variables and draw from these facts on how they would like to grow.

Now I have this urge to go back a see just what I can accomplish with "Old Blue" - lol......
Maybe you have put more time than I (Fall 1993 first attempt, dorm room closet with bagseed, unknown strain, mediocre yield, mediocre high but we drank too mch anyway to care )