US ex-Senator Wofford, 90, to remarry to a man


Well-Known Member

A former US senator will get remarried this week -to someone of a different sex from his first spouse.

Harris Wofford, 90, wrote an opinion article, link below, in the New York Times

voicing strong support for same-sex marriage.

He said he felt lucky to live at a time when marriage had been "strengthened" in this way.

Mr Wofford said his life was "a story of two great loves" - with his wife Clare,

who died of leukaemia in 1996, and with Matthew Charlton, 40.

He wrote: " I don't categorise myself based on the gender of those I love.

I had a half-century of marriage with a wonderful woman, and now am lucky

for a second time to have found happiness."

In June 2015, the US Supreme Court struck down same-sex marriage bans in

individual states, making gay and lesbian marriages legal across the country.

Clare was a strong influence through Mr Wofford's political career.

The couple had three children together.

Mr Wofford, a Democrat, represented Pennsylvania in the US Senate between 1991 and 1995.

He started his political life at the age of 18 by founding the Student Federalists,

an organisation that promoted world federal government.

He went on to become instrumental in the civil rights movement and joined the

presidential campaign of John F Kennedy.

Later, he worked with Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

Five years after his wife's death, Mr Wofford met Mr Charlton.

'Based on love'
Mr Wofford wrote: "Seeking to change something as deeply ingrained in law

and public opinion as the definition of marriage seemed impossible.

"I was wrong, and should not have been so pessimistic.

"I had seen firsthand - working and walking with the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. -

that when the time was right, major change for civil rights came to pass in a

single creative decade.

"At age 90, I am lucky to be in an era where the Supreme Court has strengthened

what President Obama calls 'the dignity of marriage' by recognising that

matrimony is not based on anyone's sexual nature, choices or dreams.

"It is based on love."


the article:(
Does the fact that the guy is 50 years younger make him a pedophile? LOL!!!
I would marry that guy myself. Lol, What's he got left? Maybe 5 years maximum then you are a multimillionaire. :)

I'm sure he has trouble getting it up but then again he pops that little blue pill you are in for a good 3 hours of dicken. Lol
It's not the fact that he's marrying a guy that's weird. It's the fact he's 50 years younger.
Still a little weird he was married most of his life to a woman. But probably deep down inside a latent homosexual. 70 years ago it wasn't accepted at all people still get killed for being gay.
Still a little weird he was married most of his life to a woman. But probably deep down inside a latent homosexual. 70 years ago it wasn't accepted at all people still get killed for being gay.
I could not care less what he does with his shriveled little pickle until he sends pix of it to a Congressional Aide.

Btw, fuck Denny Hastert.
Age-ism is still prevalent amongst sodomites Good For Them

maybe get rid of the age crap in society before the sex discrimination
I think Unclebaldrick nailed it.

Ultimimately it doesnt really matter. People like what they like. It would be nice if government got the hell out of the way. Drugs, prostitution, death, etc.
Everyone should equally be able to be unhappy via marriage

Fuck I'd marry that dude over the pants only and cheek kisses for a couple mill... I wouldn't touch him but bring 'sunshine' to the party
at 90 any love good love

as I do know so many unhappily married peeps, over 30 its no joke