EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Hmm, some states... I can buy a gun with just cash in all 50 states inside any gun shop. Are we supposed to use checks or credit cards??

I think credit would be worse personally as the person don't need to pay and can go shoot up a school and have no worries about his credit score. :)
in at least 32 states you can get a gun at a gun show without a background check.
I don't think you are that smart to have figured out the online loophole yet
in at least 32 states you can get a gun at a gun show without a background check.
I don't think you are that smart to have figured out the online loophole yet
I have looked at guns online and they all say you must have it shipped to a licensed dealer. Never actually looked for a loophole as the gun shop about an hour away has more than enough guns for me and I walk out in less than an hour with my new toy. No need to find a loophole so nothing about being smart enough if I needed a loophole I can find it I have sold a few stolen guns in my teens. :)
I have looked at guns online and they all say you must have it shipped to a licensed dealer. Never actually looked for a loophole as the gun shop about an hour away has more than enough guns for me and I walk out in less than an hour with my new toy. No need to find a loophole so nothing about being smart enough if I needed a loophole I can find it I have sold a few stolen guns in my teens. :)
others do know the loophole and the expansion will close it. Keep guns out of the hands of those who should not have it
others do know the loophole and the expansion will close it. Keep guns out of the hands of those who should not have it
What about mental illness? I personally don't know anyone who is completely sane. Some crazier than others but just mental illness leaves it wide open. Do you really know anyone who has never been so much as a little depressed? If there is someone out there they must be bat shit crazy cause you should not be happy when someone close dies.

Mental illness is in every person. Now schizophrenia and bipolar etc. Would be reasonable but it's just mental illness like a soldier with PTSD or a man who lost his wife or child.
What about mental illness? I personally don't know anyone who is completely sane. Some crazier than others but just mental illness leaves it wide open. Do you really know anyone who has never been so much as a little depressed? If there is someone out there they must be bat shit crazy cause you should not be happy when someone close dies.

Mental illness is in every person. Now schizophrenia and bipolar etc. Would be reasonable but it's just mental illness like a soldier with PTSD or a man who lost his wife or child.
no mental illness is not in every person. Dude how many losing arguments are you going to present on gun control expansion ?
cite me one case where a spouse lost his/her gun rights due to ONLY yelling.
None. I am not saying that, but yelling at someone is considered abuse, and if you just say I'd like to kill you, by the letter of the law that is a criminal offense (threating to do bodily harm) and in the US, freedom of speach only goes so far, as you could be arrested That's all I meant
no mental illness is not in every person. Dude how many losing arguments are you going to present on gun control expansion ?
Schizophrenia and bipolar are not in everyone but mental illness sure as shit is whether you know it or not. Especially if you think you are normal.
That's right. In Colorado you can get a DV for yelling at your girlfriend and then lose your 'right' to own a gun forever. That sure sounds like respecting your Constitutional rights to me. ... o_O
Really? Not even threatening just yelling cause the bitch is taking too long with the sandwich? Lol

I doubt it every single couple has argued my wife yells at me more than I yell. Lol
I never told you who you MUST vote for...only who you should vote for come November. The same way you ran around telling everyone to vote for Bernie. Just be warned that if you do write in Bernie be prepared for what your actions do. I'm pretty much set for whoever is POTUS, my concern is for those SCOTUS seats upcoming

1. It's hard to discern one idiot from the other here..

2. I didn't TELL anyone they must vote Sanders..I posted factual information then debated same when your posts were merely the days talking points.

3. Waiting for people to die is bad luck and basing your vote on this?:lol: