doublejj's next big adventure....Lone Oak Farms 2016

I am seeing baby mantids all over the plants too!

Frank's GIft is so close. I was hoping it would be ready for the BBQ but the seeds are still developing. I may clip a bud just to bring up.

What kind of weed is this your growing?It looks dam good and pretty.where can I gets some seeds of that plants or is it clone onley??I would love to grow some of that weed.
Thanks Papa. the crew is working hard

oh yea, proofs in the pudding so to speak!

Out of curiosity, what method do you guys use for the watering? Are you running a huge res or ? My water coming out at 8.5 ph so gonna have to do something to adjust large batches of waters ph, so curious to see what your method is.
oh yea, proofs in the pudding so to speak!

Out of curiosity, what method do you guys use for the watering? Are you running a huge res or ? My water coming out at 8.5 ph so gonna have to do something to adjust large batches of waters ph, so curious to see what your method is.
Our well water checked out near neutral ph, so we just pump up into a 2500gl tank & gravity feed down from there...
for you and the planet ;) Nicotine pesticides are ruining our world killing the bees and us at the same time

I'm surrounded by literally thousands of acres of tobacco and even grew up working in the shit before migrant labor came on the scene in the past 20 years. One thing I can say 100% for sure, tobacco plants are subjected to herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, systemic sucker control chemicals and I guaranfuckingtee one or three I'm leaving out. There isn't a week that goes by from the greenhouse floating plant beds to the tobacco fields that those plants are subjected to chemical saturation of some kind and it's all legal to smoke or chew on. Seriously, if you smoke anything but 100% organically grown tobacco you might as well just huff some malathion lol.