Led Users Unite!

On this sight there are alot of people who bash Kind Leds and i can appreciate other peoples opinions but results matter to me more . I'm using an AT600 for flower right now and I'm vegging clones with KindXL 1000 and all I can say is see my results.
6 days ago I took the 4 cuttings and put the kind over them ..Due to moving right now I'm limited in space severely and can't hang the light so I've rigged it to hover about a foot over the plants and i rotate them out always having one under t5 since only three will fit under kind the way I've rigged it ...So they all get equal time under the led .

In 6 days they've exploded under the kind ..At least I think so ... I only have a few months experience growing at this point so I'm definitely not an expert ..But the results I'm seeing from kind are pretty good .
The build qualities of the light leave something to be desired in way of durability but the results are there .

All of the clones were same size 6 days ago and the top pic is of one of those ..The bottom pics are the clones today . Not even a full 6 days later .

I do think the kind is an ok light and I won't specifically bash it. My thoughts now are its defo over priced. It's powerful which helps but not as efficient as lights like the Apache or Amare. When it comes dollars and cents the kind will cost more per par watt to power and cost more per par watt to buy. It works and works well but it's like an old Buick with a v8, runs good, has some power but isn't the fastest or best on fuel mileage. Even if it's just a stupid unplugged clip I'm happy it happened. My new space needs 4x4 coverage and the kind being 5x5 leaves me short and long where I dont need it
Yeah, probably just a loose connection like someone else said. Either way it's going back and victor at Amare hooked me up. 3 se450's with uvb
Yeah, probably just a loose connection like someone else said. Either way it's going back and victor at Amare hooked me up. 3 se450's with uvb
It's actually probably not a loose connection. Multiple diodes have varying forward voltages. They're probably blown
Yeah, probably just a loose connection like someone else said. Either way it's going back and victor at Amare hooked me up. 3 se450's with uvb
Amare is dope. I like them. But the uvb bulb isn't worth the money considering it'll be half its output in less than a year. Hopefully those bulbs aren't hard to find. You can get pure uvb bulbs and single bulb fixtures from HTG for like $30-40 replacement bulbs are $25. That is my plan.
Amare is dope. I like them. But the uvb bulb isn't worth the money considering it'll be half its output in less than a year. Hopefully those bulbs aren't hard to find. You can get pure uvb bulbs and single bulb fixtures from HTG for like $30-40 replacement bulbs are $25. That is my plan.

the price is dope. 4/20 sale plus a large order discount. Works out where the smaller LEDs and uv bulb is nearly free compared to other companies.
what are you talking about?
the kind. if i recall they have screw down terminal strips and locking bayonet-style disconenct plugs between the drivers and led boards. i found the loose one, sprayed it with some RidOx and it worked fine after that
the kind. if i recall they have screw down terminal strips and locking bayonet-style disconenct plugs between the drivers and led boards. i found the loose one, sprayed it with some RidOx and it worked fine after that
Please forgive me, but I'm confused. Why are you telling me about a kind led? I don't own one....
sup folks I'm starting a perpetual grow just got a 48x48x78 tent for veg I need advice on led lighting. what size light do I need to cover a 48x48x78 tent and what a good economical brand thank you for you help in advance.
sup folks I'm starting a perpetual grow just got a 48x48x78 tent for veg I need advice on led lighting. what size light do I need to cover a 48x48x78 tent and what a good economical brand thank you for you help in advance.
For veg or for flower? How big is flower room.