Flood/drain - Rockwool/Hydroton HELP


Well-Known Member
So I'm doing a flood and drain with RW and Hydroton. I know I know, why the RW. I was doing a drip feed system with the RW in Veg within 4 inch cubes. Now im in flower.

I've never done this before. I am using the "I GROW CHRONIC VIDEO" for a reference. But he doesn't tell me what I NEED TO KNOW.

My question is how deep should the RW be? I currently have these suckers deep. But then I thought, it wil lbe completely saturated. I don't want root rot to set in. Should I have the cubes like half above the flood line? What is a good depth for the cubes? Everyone says "you can't overwater RW". I beg to differ. I have overwatered with my drip system and have had root rot. So what do I do?

I have my timer set for 2 floods. Once when lights come on for 3 minutes. Then one more time 6 hours in. Thats it. I just switched them to flower today and it is the first time I have ever done flood and drain "ebb & flow".




Well-Known Member
just setup my 3x3 flood table for veg. I'm doing hydroton since they'll be going into ebb and grow buckets for flower


Well-Known Member
You might want to keep the flood level right on the bottom of the pot, and hand water the rockwool to keep it moist and to keep it from drying out until you get some roots coming out of the bottom of the pot.

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
I suppose you've already considered sticking with the drip feed and decided against it, so I won't bother suggesting that.

You might want to consider making a wick for each pot. Cut a slit in the bottom of each rock wool cube, then cut a piece of rockwool that's about an inch thick and long enough to reach from the bottom of the rockwool cube to the bottom of your pot. Stick the top end of the wick into the bottom of the cube, let the lower end hang down to the bottom of the pot, then fill around the cube and the wick with hydroton. To secure the wick to the cube, stick it in there with 3 or 4 toothpicks stuck diagonally through the wick into the cube. You can never have too many toothpicks when you're growing with rockwool; with enough rockwool and enough toothpicks, you could rebuild the Hanging Gardens of Babalon.

I don't think you'll get much root growth into the wicks; most of the roots should spread into the hydroton matrix. But the bottom of the wick will be saturated every time you flood, and in my opinion should carry enough moisture up to the cube to keep it from drying out.

That's all just a guess, though, and could be someone will be along any moment to point out all the reasons it's a stupid idea. But I really think it might work. Good luck!
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Well-Known Member
I suppose you've already considered sticking with the drip feed and decided against it, so I won't bother suggesting that.

You might want to consider making a wick for each pot. Cut a slit in the bottom of each rock wool cube, then cut a piece of rockwool that's about an inch thick and long enough to reach from the bottom of the rockwool cube to the bottom of your pot. Stick the top end of the wick into the bottom of the cube, let the lower end hang down to the bottom of the pot, then fill around the cube and the wick with hydroton. To secure the wick to the cube, stick it in there with 3 or 4 toothpicks stuck diagonally through the wick into the cube. You can never have too many toothpicks when you're growing with rockwool; with enough rockwool and enough toothpicks, you could rebuild the Hanging Gardens of Babalon.

I don't think you'll get much root growth into the wicks; most of the roots should spread into the hydroton matrix. But the bottom of the wick will be saturated every time you flood, and in my opinion should carry enough moisture up to the cube to keep it from drying out.

That's all just a guess, though, and could be someone will be along any moment to point out all the reasons it's a stupid idea. But I really think it might work. Good luck!
LMFAO.....lol........You just blew my mind bro, I never heard of anything like that. I appreciate the help though but I will keep searching for other alternatives. I really do appreciate the input.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
All of my table are 5.5"'s deep. The top of the 2"x 2"x h" rock wool cubes go flush with the top of the hydroton. The table gets flooded to the top 2-6 time daily between 15-6 minutes depending on local climate.

Currently I have one doing 6 F&D's daily at six minutes. Three minutes to fill, three minutes to drain. It cost $112 not including the light...three years ago.


Well-Known Member
All of my table are 5.5"'s deep. The top of the 2"x 2"x h" rock wool cubes go flush with the top of the hydroton. The table gets flooded to the top 2-6 time daily between 15-6 minutes depending on local climate.

Currently I have one doing 6 F&D's daily at six minutes. Three minutes to fill, three minutes to drain. It cost $112 not including the light...three years ago.
Do you have a pic perhaps? I'm trying to visualize what you are saying.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
With my setup I flood sparingly until roots are established and I flood till I just touch the bottom of the Rockwool, I flood three times in 24 hours. I am doing a 15 on 15 off now, don't have a cycle timer :(.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Im using hydroton and I have some seedling that are a week old. I'm going to try 6x at 15min each
Yes try that for sure, don't do what I do cause honestly Im flying by the seat of me pants lol. I found with my setup They were getting to much moisture in the cubes that stayed and the roots suffered I think.


Well-Known Member
Yes try that for sure, don't do what I do cause honestly Im flying by the seat of me pants lol. I found with my setup They were getting to much moisture in the cubes that stayed and the roots suffered I think.
Don't hijack my thread lol. Back to my issue.

So I stopped flooding because the rockwool was really wet. But the roots are creamy white and have exploded out the bottom of the cubes. However my leaves are looking like a nutrient deficiency. Some are yellowing on the bottom and some look like micro deficiencies. I know from past experience this was because my rockwool was getting too much water.

I like how you said only flood to the bottom of the rockwool. Would you recommend I do that? Has this been working for you. Have you actually finished and got buds using this technique? I hate to question you but these are my babies. Any help would be great. THANKS

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Don't hijack my thread lol. Back to my issue.

So I stopped flooding because the rockwool was really wet. But the roots are creamy white and have exploded out the bottom of the cubes. However my leaves are looking like a nutrient deficiency. Some are yellowing on the bottom and some look like micro deficiencies. I know from past experience this was because my rockwool was getting too much water.

I like how you said only flood to the bottom of the rockwool. Would you recommend I do that? Has this been working for you. Have you actually finished and got buds using this technique? I hate to question you but these are my babies. Any help would be great. THANKS
I can adjust my flood height by changing the height of the ebb and flo fitting. So my water gets to the net pot and stops filling. My rock wool cubes are sitting on one layer of hydroton. Do you have pics of your deficiency? Now I flood every 15 min so not sure they are getting to wet.


Well-Known Member
And yes grown a few buds lol. But as said not a master grower like some guys/ladies on here.
I hear you. This is my first real grow and first hydro grow. I'm just trying to finish!!!!! I know most people don't. I'm 7 weeks away from finishing lol. I have my grow journal on this site, you can find it.

Anyway I will get some pics tomorrow but have none now. Working on the room during the 12/12 cycle to modify a few things. Still need to get my CO2 tank hooked up. Right now its just sitting there ERRR. rofl

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
LMFAO.....lol........You just blew my mind bro, I never heard of anything like that. I appreciate the help though but I will keep searching for other alternatives. I really do appreciate the input.
Understood. I just tried it, though, and it actually works better than I expected. Only took 3 or 4 minutes, and wicks very well.

I'm going to have to remember this one for the future. It's possible I can make use of it if I need a non-organic wicking material.