EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
You said auto's are not needed well semi auto rifles are what they call assault rifles.

But you obviously don't know anything about guns cause you think they will make guns only the owner can use. Lol, I'd love to see them try.
They already make them..Smart Guns from Germany.

The crybabies of RIU have already nixed the idea because you'd have to wear a watch.

It's way too much to ask.


Well-Known Member
They already make them..Smart Guns from Germany.

The crybabies of RIU have already nixed the idea because you'd have to wear a watch.

It's way too much to ask.
Yeah I know, they are pretty expensive for one.

Glock, Ruger, Colt, Berretta, Sig Saur, etc., etc. Do not use them nor would they Glocks don't even have a safety and most every cop in the nation has a .40 caliber Glock.

Too many guns to lock them all not to mention their is a black market in America and you can buy firearms. If you have anything of value and do not own a gun you are ignorant cops will not save you junkies have guns. Do you really want to fuck around with a smart gun during a home invasion?? I sure don't. I actually had a friend about 2 years ago got shot to death with his woman in his home by a junky.

Not to mention hunting who is going to hunt with a bullshit smart gun? Lol

Sure you're a women probably live in one of them nice gated communities down in Florida. But we don't all live in nice towns my town ain't bad but you can get robbed, raped or murdered it's all happened in my small town of around 1,000 people, cops take a good 30+ minutes to respond to a 911 call so guns are a must have.

Change the laws for all I care not like I'm above breaking the law anyway. Lol, Better to have one and not need it than not have one and need it.

Not to mention 8 people in Ohio where killed professionally and they grew weed.


Well-Known Member
If it's not happening now or in the past..it won't happen because we are relying on the human condition to make sound decisions.

Stupidity is everywhere but you can't police people.

We must come up with solution, based upon who we have to work with.

That is the solution.
The trends are away from the gun owners. Fewer gun owners over time. People don't hunt in nearly the same numbers and gun nuts are just that. More and more people who don't own guns are wondering why kids keep getting shot in accidents at the home. Mass shootings, though rare and not even close to a threat make the press and show just how apathetic the gun lobby is to human life. People living in cities see lives lost to criminal uses of guns and wonder why they have to be the front line on this issue. The trend is away from gun ownership and loose attitudes towards gun violence.

Over time, and I'm talking decades, the sentiment about gun ownership will change. When it reaches a tipping point, we'll see changes in gun ownership laws. Just my opinion


Well-Known Member
The right to own weapons is a constitutional right, not a government permission based on us behaving ourselves.

How about pool owners stop letting their kids drown eh? How do you legislate responsibility?
How about making stupid comparisons and thinking you are smart.?


Well-Known Member
sorry for upsetting you with statistics.
Statistics don't mean shit I only know 2 people who shot themselves both in the foot. Lol, One was a cop doing a quick draw the other was a junky.

Shoot an kill yourself on accident you deserve a Darwin Award.


Well-Known Member
Cause like owning a pool is a constitutional right too eh???

How about realizing that freedom means allowing other people to do things you dont like.

Stop trying to legislate against what might happen...
Freedom isn't free got to deal with other people's shit. Well unless you do drugs.


Well-Known Member
Statistics don't mean shit I only know 2 people who shot themselves both in the foot. Lol, One was a cop doing a quick draw the other was a junky.

Shoot an kill yourself on accident you deserve a Darwin Award.
Somewhere in all those versions of preppers is one where the dad blows his finger or thumb off because the dumbass put it over the barrel as he tried to clear the weapon. Then he almost passes out due to shock. Good times!!!

Guns are dangerous. So are power tools and motor vehicles.


Well-Known Member
Somewhere in all those versions of preppers is one where the dad blows his finger or thumb off because the dumbass put it over the barrel as he tried to clear the weapon. Then he almost passes out due to shock. Good times!!!

Guns are dangerous. So are power tools and motor vehicles.
And junk washing machines I flattened my ring finger on that bitch. Lol


Well-Known Member
Also that you are much more likely to be victim of a home invasion, murder and possibly raped by a big fat bear. :)
actually no. owning a gun or not has no bearing on that. we are both equally likely to be the victim of a home invasion or assault.

it is just that your gun is many, many times more likely to end up killing you or your family than that imaginary home invader you whine like a little bitch over.