Anyone know about "household totals" i.e. OMMP + new legal status...

Curious if anyone knows if the new Oregon legalization has taken into account OMMP growers. I think the new law says that each (non-OMMP) "household" can have up to four plants -- it is not an individual right of people, per se, the limiting factor is determined per location/property/household.

I'm just curious how they are dealing with OMMP households -- if my wife is an OMMP grower, can she have her six while I separately grow four more as a regular citizen?

Given what I've heard that the overriding intention of the law is to create a set of limitations, I'm going to say I doubt any household can have 10 mature plants. On the other hand, there is a precedence in allowing for an OMMP grower to hold up to four patient cards... implying that total number limitations are looked at differently for OMMP grow sites...

I'm curious if anyone knows the facts? Or if it has even been addressed yet?
I was told yesterday that you can have four plants for recreational use.
The various lawyers (the ones the oregonian asked and others I've seen interviewed) seem somewhat split on if a house can be both recreational (household) and medical (person) or not.... If you can, that also means that our we (collective we, including our recreational house mates) would be able to have up to 2 lbs on us at any given time (or for me, just under 6 years supply. which would be awesome.)
The various lawyers (the ones the oregonian asked and others I've seen interviewed) seem somewhat split on if a house can be both recreational (household) and medical (person) or not.... If you can, that also means that our we (collective we, including our recreational house mates) would be able to have up to 2 lbs on us at any given time (or for me, just under 6 years supply. which would be awesome.)
The Bill Senator Whitsett is introducing almost sounds like not all residents will be able to grow legally. I hope I have misunderstood what it says. Can anyone clarify for me if grow sites has to be in a special zoning, or farm land. Thank You
ATM the legislature is done for the season, anything someone is introducing will be next year (he's a big anti marijuana person that generally has no influence so don't fret too much yet). There will not be another MJ bill until at least mid 2016 (legislature goes back in session in Feb 2016 if memory serves) so we only have that one (huge) bill, which unless I missed something obvious says that (recreational) home grows must be out of public sight and limited to 4 (total!) plants of any size (or sex), however, you can grow in/at your home (which you own) without having to be in a certain zone. If you're renting then odds are you'll not be permitted to grow depending on landlords and what not. Fences, greenhouse sheeting, and the like are going to become more popular ;)
According to my lawyer, your best bet will be to have the plants growing in separate areas, or tents, and have them labeled. The Multnomah county Sheriff put out some info along the same lines as well.
When I called the people in charge of recreational pot a few months ago, they said that you can't combine medical and recreational you only get 6 plants not 6 +4 (which makes little sense as the way medical laws are written they specifically exempt us from state laws so at the very least you'll have a good challenge in state court....) We'll see when they finally do hammer out the rules, but for the time being, keep yourself to 6 plants if you want to guarantee your freedom.

What about patients with roomates? etc... That screws too many people. You're also super unlikely to lose your freedom, maybe your plants.
OK gang before you get all this twisted in your heads here is the skinny.

I called OMMP aka Oregon Health and asked them what the law was. They said "We don't know because nobody has asked that yet" Even got a supervisor who said "Dunno". I'm growing 10 plants 6 medial and 4 legal until they define the law.

I'm growing for myself this year. Last year I grew for three other cards and myself. BUT the real twister is YOU have to pay $200/card you grow for. So if you grow for three cards chuck out $600.00 then you get to report monthly to OMMP on how much you have and all that shit. Oh yeah they can come in and inspect anytime they want. Only good part is you can legally sell to dispensary the extra product in the end or the patient can take 100% and sell it and leave your ass hanging footing the bill for all of it.

Keep Them Green
OK gang before you get all this twisted in your heads here is the skinny.

I called OMMP aka Oregon Health and asked them what the law was. They said "We don't know because nobody has asked that yet" Even got a supervisor who said "Dunno". I'm growing 10 plants 6 medial and 4 legal until they define the law.

I'm growing for myself this year. Last year I grew for three other cards and myself. BUT the real twister is YOU have to pay $200/card you grow for. So if you grow for three cards chuck out $600.00 then you get to report monthly to OMMP on how much you have and all that shit. Oh yeah they can come in and inspect anytime they want. Only good part is you can legally sell to dispensary the extra product in the end or the patient can take 100% and sell it and leave your ass hanging footing the bill for all of it.

Keep Them Green

Yea i've been taking mine to a dispensary for the last year or so sucks they raised the prices but doesn't really compare to the amount you make so its hard to complain. The patient thing is you gotta make sure they get all the medicine they need so stuff like that doesn't happen haha
OK gang before you get all this twisted in your heads here is the skinny.

I called OMMP aka Oregon Health and asked them what the law was. They said "We don't know because nobody has asked that yet" Even got a supervisor who said "Dunno". I'm growing 10 plants 6 medial and 4 legal until they define the law.

I'm growing for myself this year. Last year I grew for three other cards and myself. BUT the real twister is YOU have to pay $200/card you grow for. So if you grow for three cards chuck out $600.00 then you get to report monthly to OMMP on how much you have and all that shit. Oh yeah they can come in and inspect anytime they want. Only good part is you can legally sell to dispensary the extra product in the end or the patient can take 100% and sell it and leave your ass hanging footing the bill for all of it.

Keep Them Green
So what is the positive to grow medical for someone if the grower pays for everything? Not sure how one would ever recover their costs. Now I can see growing for ones self to use medically but not footing the bill for someone else.
Stupid question.... how should a person do this.... if the patient can't afford to pay you for expenses plus labor (thanks Oregon) what percentage do you feel is fair? 50/50 or 60 grower/40 patient or ? of course this will depend on how the harvest goes... and as I read it I would want it in writing and it must state that they will allow me to sell to a shop.
Man those new reporting laws are going to be one big pain in the ass. And as far as the dudes coming to inspect, go for it...... better let me tie up my security first.
I don't believe its a stupid question and i don't think the med patient should have to cover the costs either. However i don't think that the state should charge the grower a separate fee to grow for the patient and then be up their ass every month. BTW a question never asked is a lesson never learned.
Stupid question.... how should a person do this.... if the patient can't afford to pay you for expenses plus labor (thanks Oregon) what percentage do you feel is fair? 50/50 or 60 grower/40 patient or ? of course this will depend on how the harvest goes... and as I read it I would want it in writing and it must state that they will allow me to sell to a shop.
Man those new reporting laws are going to be one big pain in the ass. And as far as the dudes coming to inspect, go for it...... better let me tie up my security first.

I know quite a few growers on the south coast and all give between 1-2oz per month (mostly 1oz). I don't know anybody who splits the harvest with their patient. I think an arrangement where the entire end result is split when the work (and better yet the cost of producing it) isn't just doesn't sit right with me.
Decided against going with OMMP patients. Don't like all the new rules, right now we can grow 4 plants and big brother isn't looking over my shoulder.... if I grow OMMP then they can come any moment they want.... out!
Decided against going with OMMP patients. Don't like all the new rules, right now we can grow 4 plants and big brother isn't looking over my shoulder.... if I grow OMMP then they can come any moment they want.... out!

Fwiw unless you grow for someone else there is no inspection requirement, but if you were just going to grow for patients and not yourself it makes sense... If 4 plants total (and 8 ounces per 21+ person in your house) works for you then go you as that's a cheaper option than the $200/yr program. :) stay safe and keep gardening!
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Fwiw unless you grow for someone else there is no inspection requirement, but if you were just going to grow for patients and not yourself it makes sense... If 4 plants total (and 8 ounces per 21+ person in your house) works for you then go you as that's a cheaper option than the $200/yr program. :) stay safe and keep gardening!

Unless i read incorrectly i think they will only come to your house if you grow for someone else and have more than 12 plants?
Unless i read incorrectly i think they will only come to your house if you grow for someone else and have more than 12 plants?
From their FAQ at the moment (this of course might change)

Q: Will OHA inspect my grow site if I am a patient and only growing for myself?
OHA does not have the interest or capacity to inspect the grow sites of patients growing only for themselves. Inspections will be focused on grow sites with 12 or more plants. OHA will only routinely inspect these types of grow sites because these sites are most likely to impact public health (e.g. by transferring products to processors or dispensaries). OHA reserves the right to inspect any grow site if it has a reasonable belief that the grower is violating the law.

So apparently if you're a grower growing for *1* patient (and not yourself) then you'll not (likely) be inspected as you have at most 6 (10 with rec) plants. If you're growing just for yourself, then you're even less likely to be inspected (but they apparently reserve that right if it comes to it.)
From their FAQ at the moment (this of course might change)

Q: Will OHA inspect my grow site if I am a patient and only growing for myself?
OHA does not have the interest or capacity to inspect the grow sites of patients growing only for themselves. Inspections will be focused on grow sites with 12 or more plants. OHA will only routinely inspect these types of grow sites because these sites are most likely to impact public health (e.g. by transferring products to processors or dispensaries). OHA reserves the right to inspect any grow site if it has a reasonable belief that the grower is violating the law.

So apparently if you're a grower growing for *1* patient (and not yourself) then you'll not (likely) be inspected as you have at most 6 (10 with rec) plants. If you're growing just for yourself, then you're even less likely to be inspected (but they apparently reserve that right if it comes to it.)

Word i see that now what exactly are they inspecting for? I'm guessing just to see if you are under numbers?
Word i see that now what exactly are they inspecting for? I'm guessing just to see if you are under numbers?

You've got it. Possibly compare reported totals to actual totals, but my money is on raw number of plants being the primary focus (and insure out of sight, etc)
Login with OMMP and keep track of where the cuttings came from, how much trim, how much product, type of fertilizers and when, plants all labeled, product is supposed to be locked up , on and on.
OMMP says you can be "reimbursed" for your labor and expenses. This used to be called "donation" but Oregon changed it to reimbursement, and this is because you will owe tax on it. Not too many patients have enough $$... The patient owns all the plants, they could very well come and take all the plants and go some where else. The only thing I see good is that the grower could sell the extra to a dispensary if you can get hooked up... but you must have the patients permission... or they could be a dick and sell it themselves.
I feel it just isn't worth it.
Login with OMMP and keep track of where the cuttings came from, how much trim, how much product, type of fertilizers and when, plants all labeled, product is supposed to be locked up , on and on.
OMMP says you can be "reimbursed" for your labor and expenses. This used to be called "donation" but Oregon changed it to reimbursement, and this is because you will owe tax on it. Not too many patients have enough $$... The patient owns all the plants, they could very well come and take all the plants and go some where else. The only thing I see good is that the grower could sell the extra to a dispensary if you can get hooked up... but you must have the patients permission... or they could be a dick and sell it themselves.
I feel it just isn't worth it.

What is it taxed under? Also how much of this is truth?