Liquid nutrients suggestions??


Hey guys, I plan on starting an outdoor grow this year in the woods by my house, next weekend I'm going to plant them and was just wondering what you guys might suggest for liquid nutrients and why, I was thinking about going with advanced nutrients but I wanted a second opinion first, also if you guys add anything else while feeding your plants if love to hear what it is and why, thanks


Well-Known Member
I've been using foxfarms lineup. I recently started using them and I like what I see. So I'm sticking with it. This will be my first full run with it

My last grows I've always used organic solid fertilizer but I run out of nutes by mid flower

I've never used advanced but a lot of guys on here do.

Everyone's gonna have their own opinion. Try advanced this time and if you don't like what ypou see try another line

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
If your planting in the soil and not a pot then KISS is the key.

Turn the soil over a few weeks before planting. Add some manure like chicken or cow (aged not fresh). Some potash (ash and coal from a fireplace is ideal) a handful of epsom salts and a few handfuls of a slow release fertilzier.
Your good to go and water with water. When the plants are about to flower or just start to, add some more potash and slow release fertilizers to the top of the soil and water in.

The only liquid fertilizer ive used on plants in the ground is sometimes some seasol for trace elements.
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Well-Known Member
Why do you want to carry liquid nutes to the plants. Use dry nutrients and mix them there if you can. Maxsea 130 dollar tub will grow you some trees and its cheap and lasts forever.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Weedman as myself and Alienwidow have pointed out, you dont need liquids.

use the have done for years.

And unless you are going to pay for a study of the soil you will have no idea what to add.