Breaking Bad or Weeds

Which did you like better , that is if you have watched both

  • Breaking Bad

    Votes: 26 86.7%
  • Weeds

    Votes: 4 13.3%

  • Total voters
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Your just late homie.
I binge watched it with a girl i was dating at the time. I watched the whole series after it already ended lol in like 2-3 days.

Id talk about wit you bro . I just dont.remember any of these scenes or episodes lol

But hey im bout to watch hannibal takes Edinburgh...we can like start it at the same time on Netflix and everything bromo ;)

ive never watched it before , my old boss is binge watching it too .. he watched it a dozen times and never gets old he said

bromance is cool

i watched the old soap opera " All my Children " back in the day
Kevin Nealon and that Andy guy were kinda funny. It was mostly a goofy family show, sitcom cheese.. There was the one storyline, my favorite
Weeds is OK, but breaking bad is on a whole separate level. Admittedly it starts off slow the first few episodes. But in the long run it has way more depth and substance. Not to mention strong actors.

But honestly it's like comparing full house to boyz in the hood. Two totally different vibes and feel.
3 people need to stop smoking so much weed.

Weeds was OK, and don't get me wrong is one of my favorite shows, but it cannot compare to Breaking Bad.

Nancy Botwin can only spread her legs to get her out of trouble so many times before its not believable. Walter White solves his problems through science. And science is science....BITCH.
So, now that I am done with my daily activities. ..I am watching s4 ep3 and just noticed Walter wearing Clark wallabies. ..ha nice...they are comfortable
