Atheist or Religious

Atheism or Religion

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But agnosticism is dumb. Make a damn decision.

disagree......agnosticism might be the most honest position because it admits it doesnt know......which when one considers the highly debatable evidence for god or intelligent design one must admit that its pretty much impossible to prove a negative which i think trying prove theres no god is doing......
Knowledge is a subset of belief. Belief can be based on knowledge, or it can be based on faith, inductive reasoning, intuition, ect. Knowing that someone believes is not the same as knowing that they have knowledge.

Atheist/theist is an answer to the question "Do you believe?"

Gnostic/agnostic is an answer to the question "Do you know?"

If someone says they are atheist, you cannot deduce from that if they are also gnostic or agnostic. You'll have to ask them. If someone says that are agnostic, you cannot deduce from that if that are also theist or atheist, you'll have to ask them.
Here's some sample videos from Atheist Youtube channels if anyone is interested?

Edit: Btw, I just call myself "Atheist". If someone provides evidence for a God then I'll be Theist, but that does not mean I would worship it.

Agnostic to me is just a word used to put ones head up higher over both crowds.

Atheist= No God belief

Theist= With God belief

Agnostic= Look at me, I'm a fancy Atheist
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