How long do days need to be for clones to veg?

Im having an issue with my clones flowering early and im wondering whens the earliest i can put clones out veg wise?

I know most people say june but im asking hours?

I tried adding a pic but it refuses to let me. Sunrise time 6:10 am sunset at 7:50 pm. Almost 14 hours?


Well-Known Member
Im having an issue with my clones flowering early and im wondering whens the earliest i can put clones out veg wise?

I know most people say june but im asking hours?

I tried adding a pic but it refuses to let me. Sunrise time 6:10 am sunset at 7:50 pm. Almost 14 hours?
I'd wait til 14 hours and by the time they're mature enough to flower it'll be long enough to stay in veg. It's hard to say because there isn't a specific answer. Some will veg in 13 hrs light some will flower at 13.


Well-Known Member
14 hours is the norm, consider vegging them under a hps to get that stretched look

ideal for planting out later, being taller they are more likely to survive that hard spring weather

good luck


Well-Known Member
Im having an issue with my clones flowering early and im wondering whens the earliest i can put clones out veg wise?

I know most people say june but im asking hours?

I tried adding a pic but it refuses to let me. Sunrise time 6:10 am sunset at 7:50 pm. Almost 14 hours?
That's close enough.

I never really worry about it. The ones I put out early and flower have no problem. I got a couple doing it now. It will be a bushy plant.
That's close enough.

I never really worry about it. The ones I put out early and flower have no problem. I got a couple doing it now. It will be a bushy plant.
What a relief. Ive been stressing thinkin that my plant will hermie in the process of trying to re-veg

Ive seen some branchy monsters indoors after re-veg. Was that your experience?


Well-Known Member
What a relief. Ive been stressing thinkin that my plant will hermie in the process of trying to re-veg

Ive seen some branchy monsters indoors after re-veg. Was that your experience?
Yes. The ones I've put out early go from 16-18 hours down to around 12 or so when I put them out.

It depends how much it flowers. Most start and then go back to veg without much sign of flower.

What makes a reveg a monster is the bud. Each bud will throw branches. They can be a beast.

Most without bud formation will just show sex and get that yellow look when they flower and then on to veg.

Either way it won't be a problem and won't cause herms.
Yes. The ones I've put out early go from 16-18 hours down to around 12 or so when I put them out.

It depends how much it flowers. Most start and then go back to veg without much sign of flower.

What makes a reveg a monster is the bud. Each bud will throw branches. They can be a beast.

Most without bud formation will just show sex and get that yellow look when they flower and then on to veg.

Either way it won't be a problem and won't cause herms.
Some people were telling me to just chalk it up as a loss and throw them away. Can you imagine if i would have listened?


Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I started outside too early this year. A third to a half of the early ones showed sex and had a couple start to twist and one grow balls. I just topped everything and most are growing out of it without much pause. There are a few that have slowed their growth. But I'm working with F2's, so there will be a lot more variance.

What I have always heard is 13 1/2 hour days and you will be safe outside. What I am unsure of is is that length of day {13h 21m today for me}, or length of visible light {14h 12m}. I have never got a solid answer on that. I split the difference {13h 46m}. Different strains will differ though. With seedlings you have a three to four week grace period {until they are sexually mature} that you don't have with clones.

I did notice the deer prefer the early flower plants.