A Cannabinerd's Journey


Well-Known Member
Yeah bro, check her song Jolene, it's spot on with dolly!! Lmao, I dunno why I like it but I thought it was dope :D I haven't checked out Beyonce new album yet, I usually don't listen to pop but I'll check it out because I keep hearing about it ALL over ugh, Jay z must be proud lol
Check it on hbo. Its one super long video. I could only handle about 30 min.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm going to have to wait to harvest until later in the week. The septic pumpers were supposed to come and pump the septic today, but they came and couldn't find it, so have to schedule another appt with another company for another day. I don't want to have buds drying while they're here grr.

Anyways here's the week 9 update of the mendo Breath #2 and black lime reserve.
rps20160426_190922.jpg rps20160426_190932.jpg rps20160426_190945.jpg rps20160426_191002.jpg
^^black lime

The animal cookies and mendo Breath #1 are on day 21 and setting buds now. They have stacked nicely. There are 3 or 4 runts in there that I'm curious about, they didn't stretch at all and are deficient, but I'm going to keep them, who knows, maybe I'll get some of the fattest buds in the tray off of them :p
rps20160426_191018.jpg rps20160426_191030.jpg ^^mendo #1
rps20160426_191046.jpg ^^animal cookies
^^mendo #1


Well-Known Member
I stopped turning the tv on long ago. Get yourself a monster tv/monitor and stream you tube or your own music. You will find after a bit of time you dont miss not having the shit turned on ;)
Been there and done that as well :) the only channels I really like are science and history channels, but our history channel was just replaced with a modern documentary channel, it's OK but I'm still pissed they got rid of the history 2 channel. My fiance loves a bunch of shows though so I gotta keep the basic channels for her lol


Well-Known Member
Those blr don't look like they put out much. I'd cull them for that reason alone.
It will actually yield more than the other strains, due to the plant being 2x bigger and having 3x the bud sites, might be close but definitely will be a bit on yield on it due to the size compared to the others, veg time and flower time being the same. At first I was thinking the same but after checking how many branches it shoots out its not too shabby, probably 2.5 zips for 2 week veg, and the smell is the best smell I've encountered in about 10 years, or maybe ever so I'll be running her again. She also clones extremely fast and veges extremely fast and is super hardy. I took 12 cuts off her and by the time they rooted, the mama was ready for another 12 cuts. I compare it to the structure and yield of glue, train them well and it will put out nicely


Well-Known Member
Well, I made a decision. I'm going to fire up 2 more lights since I'll have at least 60 more days and I have plants ready to rock :)

Decided I'll do 5 trees under 1 and 9 plants the size I normally do. I've never grown trees indoor before so it'll be fun :)

I have 3 mendo #2, 1 blr and 1 spog91 this size

And I have 9 assorted strains this size, will be animal cookies, blue petrol og, gg4, Bubba kush, Tahoe og, Blueberry Cookies and sherbert