EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Ralph? Here's what he has to say..

'Why should Sanders drop out?'..hint: he shouldn't.

Jessie Hellmann's Bio
My name is Jessie Hellmann, and I’m a 20-year-old from Kokomo, Ind. studying journalism and political science at the University of Southern Indiana. I’m currently the News editor at The Shield, USI’s award winning student newspaper. I’ve had experience covering local, state and university government as well as student government. I thoroughly enjoy writing about politics, breaking news and other news stories but investigative pieces are my favorite. I’ve known I wanted to be a journalist since I was an 11-year-old sitting in my middle school communications class. I learned then that I enjoyed telling people things they didn’t know. As I’ve grown and had real journalism experience, I realized journalism is more than telling people things. To me, it’s about getting information to people who need to know, holding people accountable and telling the stories of the amazing people who live in our world. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else with my life. Now that the who, what, when, where and why are out of the way, let me talk a little about who I am outside of journalism.

I’m an avid classic rock and Taylor Swift listener, and while the two don’t necessarily go together, I make it work. The Harry Potter series has been my favorite book series since I was 10. I dare to call myself a Harry Potter expert. I own a quill, the movies and all of the books. I love the Chicago Cubs and the Indianapolis Colts. I love traveling and my two favorite American cities so far are New York City and Washington D.C. I’m somewhat of a history buff, and the first question I ask new friends and co-workers is “who is your favorite president?” I also have the constitution app on my phone in case of emergencies. I’m possibly the most determined and persistant person you will ever meet. I’m an Apple enthusiast. My favorite color is tiffany blue and I like cats more than I probably should. I love Dr. Pepper, Sex and the City, and sour skittles. I’m a terrible singer.
Jessie Hellmann's Bio
My name is Jessie Hellmann, and I’m a 20-year-old from Kokomo, Ind. studying journalism and political science at the University of Southern Indiana. I’m currently the News editor at The Shield, USI’s award winning student newspaper. I’ve had experience covering local, state and university government as well as student government. I thoroughly enjoy writing about politics, breaking news and other news stories but investigative pieces are my favorite. I’ve known I wanted to be a journalist since I was an 11-year-old sitting in my middle school communications class. I learned then that I enjoyed telling people things they didn’t know. As I’ve grown and had real journalism experience, I realized journalism is more than telling people things. To me, it’s about getting information to people who need to know, holding people accountable and telling the stories of the amazing people who live in our world. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else with my life. Now that the who, what, when, where and why are out of the way, let me talk a little about who I am outside of journalism.

I’m an avid classic rock and Taylor Swift listener, and while the two don’t necessarily go together, I make it work. The Harry Potter series has been my favorite book series since I was 10. I dare to call myself a Harry Potter expert. I own a quill, the movies and all of the books. I love the Chicago Cubs and the Indianapolis Colts. I love traveling and my two favorite American cities so far are New York City and Washington D.C. I’m somewhat of a history buff, and the first question I ask new friends and co-workers is “who is your favorite president?” I also have the constitution app on my phone in case of emergencies. I’m possibly the most determined and persistant person you will ever meet. I’m an Apple enthusiast. My favorite color is tiffany blue and I like cats more than I probably should. I love Dr. Pepper, Sex and the City, and sour skittles. I’m a terrible singer.
damn bloggers having Sky going BernieCrAzY
i'm gonna vote for hillary because she is by far the best qualified of any candidate in any race this century.

She doesn't lack for qualifications.

She lacks for direction and vision; took too much corporate money in her campaign coffers.

She has nothing at all to say to the entire middle income section of the country; those making $1000/week or less...

In other words, MOST OF US.

So her glittering resume be damned, I'm not voting for someone to continue ignoring my concerns.
Bernie will give that bitch a mop job when he becomes the first independent president in, fuck how long has it been?

Long enough that the two Orwellian Ministries of Truthiness masquerading as our political parties need a swift kick in the constituency to remind them that they are speed to serve the people's needs, not ignore them.

The Bern is out of the bottle, and it's never going back in.
Long enough that the two Orwellian Ministries of Truthiness masquerading as our political parties need a swift kick in the constituency to remind them that they are speed to serve the people's needs, not ignore them.

The Bern is out of the bottle, and it's never going back in.

It isnt about Bernie. It is about the fact that Washington no longer listens to the people. Both parties are in complete chaos this election cycle and it is because the electorate is pissed off.
It isnt about Bernie. It is about the fact that Washington no longer listens to the people. Both parties are in complete chaos this election cycle and it is because the electorate is pissed off.

WTF do you think Mr Sanders' entire campaign is about?
socialist fantasyland....

Much better than right wing authoritarianism;

...and how about that: Mr Sanders is a centrist. It's a sad commentary on the twisted state of American politics that anyone not jammed up in the right wing authoritarian corner is somehow a socialist.

I'm not the extremist here. The whole fucking system is whack.
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