Some people (not all!) On welfare do better than if they were to work (around here at least) most people around my area feel like they are lucky to make $9.00 an hour. Ive known many people who choose not to work just so they keep their benefits.
Maybe the kids in these situations are not living as good pf lives as rheir working class Family counterparts but The adults are getting the state to pay for their habit, whether its alcohol, drugs, gambling, its messed up. Then again my local area hosts some of the poorest towns in the state but still, im sure it happens else where.
If you look at it from the addicts point of view, if they start working (over the table) then they have to start supporting their own habit instead of.just being floated money from the state it.
You see mad people around here selling their food stamps for 50% or drugs. Im just saying the states welfare system (here) is heavily abused.