The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
I've not had one yet but my guinea pig says they're on par with the first proper Silver Bars quality wise.

Bigger dosed though, fucking massive they are.
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The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Utah Saints among others (they're from Leeds) and I'm a Leeds lad.

The club is in an old mill complex with a trap house style, 1 big steel slide door in, the same door out (if there's any bother from the cops they just roll the cunt shut and have a lock in!) and this is the last gig before they convert it into apartments next month so this is the send off do.

And my best pals mate from school is the promoter.

It's gonna get fucking messy!


Well-Known Member
hows the coco grow mate u back to nft yet?
Just in the process of chopping it. But yes I'll be going back to NFT. I can tell the weight won't be as good but hopefully the taste will be better. It's a bit bland and definitely lacks something with NFT but I can't argue with the weight it churns out plus it's so much easier.
I did neglect this run a bit so it wasn't a totally fair comparison.
It was the extra work with coco that made me neglect it though. I just couldn't find the time put to put the right amount of effort in.
I know a lot of people don't like doing hydro but as long as you keep it simple and stick to the rules it's very rewarding. Apart from the flavour. It still stinks just as bad though.


Well-Known Member
fuck nos, but i been smoking the same old strains a long ol time now and most hydro grows are very poor flavourwise compared to the coco and soil, soils where its at for pure flavour carnt be beat imo but when 90-95% of buyers aint got a fucking clue who really cares lol theres no arguing with hydro yields and the stinks the same so if looking to earn hydros the one....