Why do you newbs always grow auto's?


Active Member
IV seen it less than 1ft..
Factors again chiefy...
Hanging distance ??

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
i ask again why have a fan? when cob Leds are now so efficienciant,,they not longer need fans,,
so your blurple light is pulling "WATTS" to cool it,, and not going to LIGHT


Active Member
I will have 2 please :))
How about temps...
How hot ??
Lumens ??
Total watt ??
& Par for fun :))

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
sure take 3
temps uranus
how hot, well mercury
total watt, run a generator
and par, well thats for martians


Active Member
You have not told me where I can buy this magical light....
Maybe I should keep following this yellow brick road you are laying :))

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
everyone, and I mean everyone here, has a blurple light in thier garage
we all bought the crap you have bought,, but thats ok
we still love ya