fucking clueless


Well-Known Member
hey, ive been trying to grow my own weed... im growing outdoors, i have 3 plants that seem to be doing ok... in the baby stages i guess... ive been looking at other peoples photos of seedling and new plants and id like to post some pics of mine and get sum advice.. i have never been good at posting pics on the internet so a little help would be nice.

I grow my seedlings in a seedling potting mix and once they are about 10 - 15cms tall i put mulch *dont know if im spelling that rite* around the plant... im a little uncertain about wen to transplant each plant into its own pot.. i have transplanted one so far, into a rich soil with a liquid fertilizer mixed in, so far the plant has stayed the same (ive had one die on me before)

Ive had these plants growing for about 5 weeks and they dont look like they are in the same stage as other peoples plants on this board... they look healthy.. the leaves smell a little and they continue to sprout new leaves.. i just dont want to fuck it up.


Well-Known Member
if they are alive and growing then you are doing well. if you scroll down when start or reply to a thread (NOT Quick reply) there will be a "manage attachments" icon. click on that.


Well-Known Member
thanks... ive just been reading up on the growerFAQ... and as my title says.. im fucking clueless... i guess i thought it would be like growing anything else... so ive just been using common sense.. now i see there is alot more to it and thats why my plants arent going so great.


Well-Known Member
now i know i shouldnt have two plants together but they are in a seedling pot and i plan to transplant them soon *although it will be difficult as they are so close together.... i didnt plan it that way.. its just how it happend


Well-Known Member
i see you are outdoors i just wonder where in the world. it is flowering. it looks good though.


Well-Known Member
YAY... i thought they were flowering.... i live in queensland australia and for the time being im keeping my plants on my veranda (i have old people for neighbors.. doubt they would know what they were looking at) but i also have flowers and a venus fly trap and sum ferns to make it look like im just a keen gardener. as for the lighting... the sun hits them at about mid day and being in queensland its a hot hot sun even in winter *its autume now but we still get up to 30 degrees.. i dont know what that is in farenheit (i cant spell)
but they get about 4 - 5 hours of direct sunlight.. im worried it wont be enough when i put up the bamboo screens on my verander when they get bigger but i have other places i can put them.

im glad that you people think they are looking good....ive killed a few seedling lately and they are my only success at the moment.. ill keep up with the pictures


Well-Known Member
YAY... i thought they were flowering.... i live in queensland australia and for the time being im keeping my plants on my veranda (i have old people for neighbors.. doubt they would know what they were looking at) but i also have flowers and a venus fly trap and sum ferns to make it look like im just a keen gardener. as for the lighting... the sun hits them at about mid day and being in queensland its a hot hot sun even in winter *its autume now but we still get up to 30 degrees.. i dont know what that is in farenheit (i cant spell)
but they get about 4 - 5 hours of direct sunlight.. im worried it wont be enough when i put up the bamboo screens on my verander when they get bigger but i have other places i can put them.

im glad that you people think they are looking good....ive killed a few seedling lately and they are my only success at the moment.. ill keep up with the pictures

very cool. it's autumn there. your plants will continue to flower and finish out very nicely. have 2 together at that size in the same pot is not so bad. i've grown as many as 4 in 1 pot. if you transplant just keep them together at this point. the damage to the roots trying to seperate them would be more than it is worth. with a nice big pot they will grow along side each other just fine. disturb the roots as little as posssible when transplanting. but you knew that already. happy growing. :peace::joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
thats awesome, I love when little plants start to flower, they look so nice : )
They look very healthy though man, awesome job. Grow on : )


Well-Known Member
i thought i should transplant them together cuz i figured their roots would be merged... my poor little plants are having a hard time today.. its very windy but they seem to be holding up.

the first lot of leaves (when it first sprouted) are yellow and frayed but the rest of the plant is green and sprouting new leaves all over.... is it just that those first leaves are old and should i just pluck them off?

thanks for the kind words.... it made my day to know im doing ok so far


Well-Known Member
ok.... after the comment about the nitrogen and another about transplanted them asap i have transplaned the "twins" as i call them as they grew too close together as seedlings..... ive put them in a large pot with potting mix, liquid fertilizer mixed in, transplant anti-stress solution (my mums idea) and stuff called osmacoat.. its a controlled release plant food and trace elements thingy then surrounded the plants in sum mulch to keep the soil warm and moist (i did all this about an hour before sunset.. no direct sunlite on my verander)

im very worried about them..... when i got them out of their seedling pot they'd been growing in i got them out nice... lots of skinny long roots, now im new to transplanting and seeing how my mum was in the garden too i asked her a few questions... then the overbaring woman put my plants in kinda ruff against my protests (she still treats me like a fucking child, im 21) so i hope they arent too stress... what would be the first signs that they didnt take to well to the transplant? i guess its a waiting game. :spew: