I had bone cancer and made my own oil. I think your beter off using the highest indca strain thc you can get your hands on for oil for cancer.it took 3 months for it to start srinking my boon cancer and in 6 months it was all gone,but it blue the drs, minds when I told them how I cured it.the drs wounted to give me kemo and I told them I would treat my sealf and It worked, but may never work again but it worked for me.The first time I hade a rare cancer after surgery I had 35 treatements of radiation and two othere people at that time had the same cancer as me, we was the onley 3 people in ky, to ever have that kind of cancer,one of the othere two people died and the othere person hade the same treatment as I did,but he never used the oil like I did and his came back,i lost track of him now so I don't if he got beter or not after his second surgery.Me personley I don't think the low thc stuff is good for cancer treatment.There is onley 2 placer in the world that studies the knid of cancer I had the first time,i went to the state of nc.and they told me onley thing could be done for the typed of cancer I had was cut it out,onley reason they recomanded radiontion was they did not trust the surgen that did my surgery,so if it comes back on me I can onley have surgery dun in the state of nc, where they studie that tyed of cancer at.It very very bad to come back that typ of cancer is so they think that oil is what keep it from coming back on me..so fare so good and it has been 6 years now and not came back...