doublejj's next big adventure....Lone Oak Farms 2016

So I just got the ok I was going to try to flower out about 15 plants in 20 by 10 greenhouse on June 1 I have to ok to just grow 20 fore full season in back yard what one would be better don't have room for both
Tough decision ..
Perhaps use what's established? Anybody care to add?
Full season and more room
I was thinking full season to have about 30 by 40 area I can use I have some sour d plants and headband that I can use I do have one spot that I proble could put the 10 by 20 green house and try to flower out 16 sour diesil that are 3 feet tall right and almost 3 feet wide not sure if I would get anoth yield off theme for everything else I have going to mess with it
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Firstly, I am not a pro but...once you've determined they are ready to cut leave a small branch at the base of the cola to serve as a hanger. Hang and expose to flowing air the colas so they begin the drying process. Hog wire is a great hanging device, string or rope will work, dowels too. Here is where I maybe going off the rails a bit. I begin trimming as soon as its all hung. Place the freshly trimmed buds in a receptacle that will allow air to flow through it, you may want to get a dehumidifier and fans. How many is determined by the mass you have acquired and how soon you want them dried and numerous other factors. Always turn your buds while in the receptacle to evenly dry them. I am sure there is a cut off point as to when they are at perfection. That may take a device to determine or good old know how by squeezing the bud , trying it out, that's always fun. Avoid MOLD by making damn sure the buds are dry. If some are the least bit moist you will run the risk of mold when bagged by comingling damp with dry. That's all I got. Good luck.
Dry. There is no way to trim over ten pounds wet in a timely manor without a machine.
Dry trimming is easer and allows you to do it as needed and is curing while waiting.
It all so will slow down the drying process and give you a better cure.
You think
Dry. There is no way to trim over ten pounds wet in a timely manor without a machine.
Dry trimming is easer and allows you to do it as needed and is curing while waiting.
It all so will slow down the drying process and give you a better cure.
would a trim machine be ok to use if you were trimming like 70 plants just two people