Doc's Dank Seeds

You sound like me dude. I still spiked a fucking piss test after 12 weeks. Brother used to say goddamn man, youre smoking more than someone smoking a serious amount of cigs and you dont even look high ;)

Damn thought I was the only one and I have barely any body fat :lol: seriously when I was 19 thought about joining military was very serious got clean went to recruiter for 4 months straight was still failing. He was amazed and so was I. That's how much I smoked tho at that time. I'm sure it would be the smae or worse now cus that was 9 years ago lol
The bad thing was I found out after a company had flown me to Dubai for interview :). The doctor told me they would still hire me, but that I would have to take another test at a later date that I would need to pass. I decided on my flight home that any company that based hiring or firing on what I did on my own time could go fuck themselves....and when the job was offered I turned it down. I dont regret that decision.
The bad thing was I found out after a company had flown me to Dubai for interview :). The doctor told me they would still hire me, but that I would have to take another test at a later date that I would need to pass. I decided on my flight home that any company that based hiring or firing on what I did on my own time could go fuck themselves....and when the job was offered I turned it down. I dont regret that decision.

I feel you but hell at least they still offered to let you get clean. Never heard of that happening for anyone. Jobs ain't doing that can't be clean next up. I applaud you for sticking to your values but me being me and growing up the way I have and lived life I would have done it to get the job. I know your talking about a great opportunity that doesn't come around that often but I'm from the hood and parents straight hustlers so I was taught you don't let stuff fuck up your money. I love cannabis to my heart and soul it's apart of me but if the Hornets told me told me right now they would give me big money to play ball just have to stop smoking it's done. I have a Mrs and kids so they come first and if something great comes along for me to take care of my fam I gonna do it. But it bashing you for doing that not at all but now the jobs I have they can eat a dick lol not gonna stop. Only had to pass on test and made sure of that lol but they can kick rocks. All the work I do I gotta smoke lol
I feel you but hell at least they still offered to let you get clean. Never heard of that happening for anyone. Jobs ain't doing that can't be clean next up. I applaud you for sticking to your values but me being me and growing up the way I have and lived life I would have done it to get the job. I know your talking about a great opportunity that doesn't come around that often but I'm from the hood and parents straight hustlers so I was taught you don't let stuff fuck up your money. I love cannabis to my heart and soul it's apart of me but if the Hornets told me told me right now they would give me big money to play ball just have to stop smoking it's done. I have a Mrs and kids so they come first and if something great comes along for me to take care of my fam I gonna do it. But it bashing you for doing that not at all but now the jobs I have they can eat a dick lol not gonna stop. Only had to pass on test and made sure of that lol but they can kick rocks. All the work I do I gotta smoke lol
Nah, I stick to my guns especially for this plant. I already had a good job anyway so it was just feeling out for another. I feel you, gotta do what gotta do to get them started, but I'm not quitting for nothing, I know what its doing for my health and money cant do that.....
I was hired some 30 years ago in a top 5 company as an electronics maintenance tech. I had a felony and was piss tested. They hired me. They are happy they did especially now. I've been training my replacements the last few years. Not many work to the component level anymore. Lot's of older TTL logic still around making them money. To costly to replace.
Damn thought I was the only one and I have barely any body fat :lol: seriously when I was 19 thought about joining military was very serious got clean went to recruiter for 4 months straight was still failing. He was amazed and so was I. That's how much I smoked tho at that time. I'm sure it would be the smae or worse now cus that was 9 years ago lol

I'd have told those bastards that if they could find some pot where you could get high one day, not smoke anymore and still be high 4 months later, I wanted all they could get.
Damn good talk you guys are having. I started to respond but fell to sleep last night. Bbq at the neighbors and a grip of srs og put me down. So last time we went to jail was for the growing in LA and when we got bonded dede was pissing clean and i was still dirty. It all came down to her drinking water annabbd green tea but i was on the Dew back then.
As for working with the cbd strains. I was east coast stoner that always thought the med was just a way for the cali guys to get away with it. Then I joined the army and ended up meeting dede. We got married two years latter and ended up in LA were she was from. The whole time she suffered terrible migranes and had taken every pill there was. From there we had road tripped to see @curious old fart who passed on the Exstrema to us. Just by chance she smoked some right when one was starting and it was gone. Happened again she asked what that jar was said it was Exstrema and it became her jar. When we moved we stoped for two days because of snow with Lt.Dan from Rm3 and he had three different Exstrema plants jarred and they all worked. After that we got here and a place and the neighbor grew too. I got a clone list from him and I saw Frank's gift 22.6 cbd and I said I want that and his boy hooked it up and neighbor covered it in with what he was getting. Now Exstrema is good meds but this is great meds and in the fall I took it to Andrew to take to @SomeGuy and @Mohican. Also made it a point to get it to @Garden Boss so i knew it would get out and he has had a great response to it. Every time I here about something new it helps it really does make tear up there @ky man. Recently i have been asked to get some cuts down to sac to help out a guy that goes by cen cal care on ig that has a developmentally challenged 5year old and the cbd oil has made a amazing change and allwowed here to start using the restroom her self and many other things she could not before. It just blows my mind the damn near what 80 years we wasted on prohabition.
As for working with the cbd strains. I was east coast stoner that always thought the med was just a way for the cali guys to get away with it. Then I joined the army and ended up meeting dede. We got married two years latter and ended up in LA were she was from. The whole time she suffered terrible migranes and had taken every pill there was. From there we had road tripped to see @curious old fart who passed on the Exstrema to us. Just by chance she smoked some right when one was starting and it was gone. Happened again she asked what that jar was said it was Exstrema and it became her jar. When we moved we stoped for two days because of snow with Lt.Dan from Rm3 and he had three different Exstrema plants jarred and they all worked. After that we got here and a place and the neighbor grew too. I got a clone list from him and I saw Frank's gift 22.6 cbd and I said I want that and his boy hooked it up and neighbor covered it in with what he was getting. Now Exstrema is good meds but this is great meds and in the fall I took it to Andrew to take to @SomeGuy and @Mohican. Also made it a point to get it to @Garden Boss so i knew it would get out and he has had a great response to it. Every time I here about something new it helps it really does make tear up there @ky man. Recently i have been asked to get some cuts down to sac to help out a guy that goes by cen cal care on ig that has a developmentally challenged 5year old and the cbd oil has made a amazing change and allwowed here to start using the restroom her self and many other things she could not before. It just blows my mind the damn near what 80 years we wasted on prohabition.
Still blowing those fucking years brother. Aint fucking fucking legal yet & people are still jailed & dying
I had bone cancer and made my own oil. I think your beter off using the highest indca strain thc you can get your hands on for oil for took 3 months for it to start srinking my boon cancer and in 6 months it was all gone,but it blue the drs, minds when I told them how I cured it.the drs wounted to give me kemo and I told them I would treat my sealf and It worked, but may never work again but it worked for me.The first time I hade a rare cancer after surgery I had 35 treatements of radiation and two othere people at that time had the same cancer as me, we was the onley 3 people in ky, to ever have that kind of cancer,one of the othere two people died and the othere person hade the same treatment as I did,but he never used the oil like I did and his came back,i lost track of him now so I don't if he got beter or not after his second surgery.Me personley I don't think the low thc stuff is good for cancer treatment.There is onley 2 placer in the world that studies the knid of cancer I had the first time,i went to the state of nc.and they told me onley thing could be done for the typed of cancer I had was cut it out,onley reason they recomanded radiontion was they did not trust the surgen that did my surgery,so if it comes back on me I can onley have surgery dun in the state of nc, where they studie that tyed of cancer at.It very very bad to come back that typ of cancer is so they think that oil is what keep it from coming back on fare so good and it has been 6 years now and not came back...

i am in full agreement with this regarding the cbd / thc debate . the autokill stage of attack is proven to be bolstered by thc BUT cbd is a precourser for thc so it gets changed in some strains as they decarb .
my understanding is : fully activatied high thc oil is best . so the reclaim on a dab rig is a good way to go about it ...
i am amazed by your story @ky man
I did it so I could get back my pain pills for the weed just got so it would not do the trick for my pain.this is the first pain pills I have took in 4 years.Belive me if the weed had not stoped working for pain I still would be I will go back to smokeing this fall that way the weed will work again for my pain.
I did it so I could get back my pain pills for the weed just got so it would not do the trick for my pain.this is the first pain pills I have took in 4 years.Belive me if the weed had not stoped working for pain I still would be I will go back to smokeing this fall that way the weed will work again for my pain.
Sounds like you need to vary your strains KY and get into making some edibles. I know you been to hell and back but fuck those pain pills, been there done that, and never again.
No more stopping for me. If any companies ask for a sample they get a sample of someone elses who doesn't smoke.
That's what I did befor I had to stop working,Hell my 10 men I was over at work smoked with me at work every day.The big dogs over me knew me and my men smoked but we always got the job dun and they knew my grew was the best out of 30 crews so they said nothing but make sure your men turn in good piss and we
I actually just started a new job. I had the option to work at two different companies. One drug tested and the other did not so the choice was easy for me. I'm glad I chose the place I'm at now because one of the guys I work with grows too and we're always bouncing ideas off of each other. I'm from mass and we recently became a med state a few yes back. I've recently started to look into what it would take to open up a dispensary. I feel like the one's that have opened up around here are doing it for the money not for the people. One day I'd like to open a place that put the people's needs first. Hell you can't even get clones at the few that are around here. I feel that will change very soon though. I haven't known doc that long but from the little we've talked you can tell he's a stand up guy and a very genuine person. I look forward to growing his strains out and passing them out to people in need out my way.