Blunted 4 lyfe
Well-Known Member
Riiiight, all that talk and yet can't back none of your shit up. You may not like it but those are the facts.The unemployment number is a lie. True 5% unemployment would mean the economy was crushing it. We are closer to 20% unemployment in real numbers.
Stock market at its' highest point. Doesnt that just benefit the greedy rich? Why do you tout that like you are so proud of it..
18 million forced into health care or pay penalties. Way to go government!!!
Ok, the rich are gonna get richer, the poor are gonna get screwed by a healthcare plan that demands you pay 5,000 out of pocket before you see any insurance, maybe the stock market hits 30,000!!! And I am sure by the time she is out of office unemployment will be -35% according to government statistics...
Happy Happy Joy Joy!!!
And The dumpster is an imbecile no matter how much that cocksucker is worth. And a phony imbecile at that. He's made millions having his clothing line made abroad and selling it here in the USA and yet I'm suppose to believe he's going to bring back jobs, WC Fields was right, there's a sucker born every minute.