How long do days need to be for clones to veg?

I started outside too early this year. A third to a half of the early ones showed sex and had a couple start to twist and one grow balls. I just topped everything and most are growing out of it without much pause. There are a few that have slowed their growth. But I'm working with F2's, so there will be a lot more variance.

What I have always heard is 13 1/2 hour days and you will be safe outside. What I am unsure of is is that length of day {13h 21m today for me}, or length of visible light {14h 12m}. I have never got a solid answer on that. I split the difference {13h 46m}. Different strains will differ though. With seedlings you have a three to four week grace period {until they are sexually mature} that you don't have with clones.

I did notice the deer prefer the early flower plants.
All of my plants are showing sex and a small bud formation but they seemed to have stopped growing, so im assuming theyre revegging? ...Ive noticed seedlings dont care about hours outdoors. Ive been vegging some since february, clones are a lil more complicated


Well-Known Member
Unless you veg them under the same hours of light as your local daylight, they will bud/re-veg when put out.

Just put them out early/mid july and it wont matter if they start to bud; They won't re-veg because the daylight hours are getting less + it's already time for flowering.
Unless you veg them under the same hours of light as your local daylight, they will bud/re-veg when put out.

Just put them out early/mid july and it wont matter if they start to bud; They won't re-veg because the daylight hours are getting less + it's already time for flowering.
What? The days are getting longer here.. 14+ hours


Well-Known Member
I said early/mid july...the days aren't getting longer in JULY

You still need to veg plants with the same light time as the daylight of where the plants will be located, if you don't want them to bud prematurely.


Well-Known Member
Once the plant has started to bud, it's too late for what I'm telling you.
You'll have to let it re-veg or just cut it down + replace it.


Well-Known Member
I already answered your original question...If you don't want your clones to re-veg when put outside:

Put clones out in the Middle of July, OR veg clones indoors with the same light schedule as the outdoor spot they will be in and put the clones out Late April-Early May...


Well-Known Member
Sometimes re-vegged plants grow out of it + produce the same bud, and sometimes they can grow strange looking buds that aren't of the same quality.
Sometimes re-vegged plants grow out of it + produce the same bud, and sometimes they can grow strange looking buds that aren't of the same quality.
Ive heard as long as they didnt go in too deep. Theres bud sites but i mean its not really formed. I guess ill have to see for myself.


Well-Known Member
I'm in South Florida and anything that is still outside after May 5, will reveg. As long as they aren't too deep into flower, I can't see any difference from those I set out later. The ones that are beyond the 5th week of flower produce just as much, or more harvest, just smaller buds...but bunches of them. Our Summer solstice (June 21) is only 13 hrs , 59 minutes.
I'm in South Florida and anything that is still outside after May 5, will reveg. As long as they aren't too deep into flower, I can't see any difference from those I set out later. The ones that are beyond the 5th week of flower produce just as much, or more harvest, just smaller buds...but bunches of them. Our Summer solstice (June 21) is only 13 hrs , 59 minutes.
Im fine with i just wanna know my plants will go back into veg, theyre getting. Theyre getting 13:51 hours of daylight according to google


Well-Known Member
I time my stuff so it grows + flowers like it's supposed to.
Last year my smallest plant still weighed 5z dry, largest was over 1/2lb.

Only 6 plants in 10 gal pots per year, I'd like to do 6 in 150gal...then you gettin 5lb-10lb plants each


Well-Known Member
I time my stuff so it grows + flowers like it's supposed to.
Last year my smallest plant still weighed 5z dry, largest was over 1/2lb.

Only 6 plants in 10 gal pots per year, I'd like to do 6 in 150gal...then you gettin 5lb-10lb plants each
The guys that grow huge plants don't worry about outdoor sun times. Grow them indoors six month the and out them outside.

As long as the days are getting longer they will get the point.
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