Baking soil in oven


Well-Known Member
i saw people on here baking soil to kill any pests and whatnot. How is this done? Any soil? What temp how long? In what do I put it in
I would never put it in the oven; that would take way too much electricity. I would build a bonfire and cook it in a barrel over the fire. You need to get the temp to about 160 degrees F, mainly to kill the bacteria and bugs/eggs.
Baking the soil is usually recommended if you are using dirt from outside. If it is soil that was just used for growing indoors just recycle it by letting it set for 30 days or so & add compost and/or amendments to recharge need to bake it unless it is full of bugs
Baking the soil is usually recommended if you are using dirt from outside. If it is soil that was just used for growing indoors just recycle it by letting it set for 30 days or so & add compost and/or amendments to recharge need to bake it unless it is full of bugs
Thanks it should be fine then saw a few flying bugs in the house so wanted to do it. No visible bugs living in the soil tho just an open bag. I'm using it for some new clones
As a preventative measure you can always sprinkle some diatomaceous earth on the top layer of your pots to prevent and/or control gnats if needed. Just letting the soil dry out should destroy any gnats or larvae if there are any present. No bake except maybe a wake & bake lol good luck happy growin
i saw people on here baking soil to kill any pests and whatnot. How is this done? Any soil? What temp how long? In what do I put it in
First...bugs are just part of soil growing. Get used to it...BUT WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU WANT TO bake it? there are beneficial bacteria and fungi that help your roots and your plant uptake your nutes!!!!! Totally counter productive! !