Did I overwater my seedling?

T Dog

New Member
I planted my germinated seed in a pretty big pot (3 quart pot) and noticed 4 days in now that the tips of the first set of true leaves are turning slightly yellow. Been keeping it about 2 feet or so from a 25 watt led so I don't think I've bleached it or anything. Soil is still moist about 2 inches under and I think I may have been overwatering it a bit? Should I let the pot dry out until adding anymore water? Been using Dasani water (RO) for the first few days.

Thanks for any help guys.


Well-Known Member
Water every few days. Let the pot get light in weight then rewater. After you water pick it up. That will be a good guide as to the weight. So many factors. Mix type, etc.....

Don't over love the plant. Give it time. Relax and enjoy the process.


Well-Known Member
Is that bark in the soil? If so that's a problem. If its just mulch don't worry.

I plant straight to 5-7 gallon pots. I might not water for a few weeks when I plant.

Its easy to over water. It hard not to water. Just leave it be. Even if the soil gets pretty dry it won't hurt the plant. The roots will spread looking for water.

Don't poke fingers to feel for mlisture either. Best way is to pick up the pot. If it feels heavy, don't water.

Take two pots that ate the same. Fill with soil. Keep one moist and let the other dry. Set it in the sun or put a fan on it.

Once it dries pick both pots up. One in each hand. Feel the difference in a wet pot and a dry one.

Let it dry out some.
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Well-Known Member
Yep, that's what k.i.s.s. means huh:bigjoint:
Yes. Some may not know that.

Some people think cannabis is a magic plant that needs special nutes and bottled unicorn farts.

About the only thing it needs is soil, water and sun.

New growers tend to worry and "love" their plants too much.

Make small adjustments and allow a few days before correcting again.

New growers tend to want to feed their plants too much. More ferts has to mean a bigger plant.

Best to just build a good soil or using synthetics start at 1/4 strength and work up.


Well-Known Member
Yes. Some may not know that.

Some people think cannabis is a magic plant that needs special nutes and bottled unicorn farts.

About the only thing it needs is soil, water and sun.

New growers tend to worry and "love" their plants too much.

Make small adjustments and allow a few days before correcting again.

New growers tend to want to feed their plants too much. More ferts has to mean a bigger plant.

Best to just build a good soil or using synthetics start at 1/4 strength and work up.
I definately don't dissagree with the method, just always heard a different version of the same anagram, I like yours better, much nicer, those unicorn fart ferts sound pretty good though lol